Re: Anyone has Updates on S. Meyer,Newman...?

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 19:24:17 +1000

Hi Jerry,

The Clem engine is a very interesting machine. It links in with
Shauberger's work, as you say, and from the information I've read it would
be difficult to go past an engine that uses no fuel and does'nt want to
stop... <g>. I considered getting seriously involved with the Clem design
about a year ago but was beaten by work commitments and the fact that it
would probably be an expensive project to attack (one of the reasons why I
like Wesley Gary's designs - real cheap to experiment with). It is highly
possible there is something to vortex fluid movement and the potential to
create a system that self runs. A self running system, whatever the design,
will be the hallmark of a true working 'free energy' device.

Complex fluid dynamics is still largely unexplored, it seems.

Jerry, IMHO what is needed is a wealthy backer who is looking to offload
some spare change on some serious research. Speaking for myself, I feel the
chances of successfully producing a working energy device are reasonably
viable, given the resources. For such a relatively small risk (tax
write-off) the benifits would be incalculable. Is this just poor person
thinking, or is there really such little interest out there in coming up
with solutions to these problems? Perhaps we collectively present such a
fragmented image that such people run scared? Or maybe I just don't mix
with the 'right' people <g>.

Regards, Bill.

At 01:38 16/08/98 -0500, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>Hi Bill!
>Well, I know who to call when we get a 'working' free energy device to
>check out....<g>.....eventually I want to build a Clem engine, there are
>MANY points to it that indicate it does work as Clem said....I know it's
>not electronic but have to start somewhere. I think Norm would jump on
>an opportunity locally to build this (is that right Norm?), I know he
>does excellent machine work and has some great ideas on the various
>I think the mechanical effect can be DUPLICATED electronically using a
>Chernetskii type setup and much of it ties in with Schaubergers vortex
>schemes. That would be the electronic version of the Clem engine.
>Once you get mass (or electrons as in plasma) moving beyond a critical
>speed and in a specific geometry, I think it seeks expansion to produce
>all the energy you could ask for and that the device can handle.
>But FIRST, copy the original as closely as possible, make it work as
>claimed, then build another and let it be tested by others, then work on
>the expansions to electronic form....and above all, document and freely
>release all plans that have been proven to work when built as clearly
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187