Steve ( )
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 19:22:01 -0400

Hi Jim,

> Well "nice" ...yes. Practical ,well I would like to see or learn of
>any historical examples of such a society without money of some kind.
>Whatever sort of goods you have could be used to "trade", right? Or if
>you don't have anything tangible in that way you could work and perhaps
>get something in return. And that something could be used like "money"
>to get something else , no?

Exactly! It actually started out as designing a "perfect society" for
a book I was thinking of writing 2 years ago, but since then I've
been thinking about this society, and ways to make it a reality. ;)
Basically it's dependant on people not being greedy, which is why
I said it's not likely to happen any time soon.. The most basic
concepts are that people don't "charge" more for something than they
actually need, and they trade what they produce for other items or
services.. eg. farmer gives food to the government which is then
distributed to the people, and in exchange, the farmer gets a house,
car, whatever he needs.. (direct trade.. no currency)

Anyway, I have a lot more to say about this idea, as I've given it a lot
of thought, but since it's pretty much off topic for both lists,
if anyone's interested they can contact me privately..

By the way.. I haven't studied economics, so this idea may sound
impractical.. but it's the society I'd like to live in. :)


p.s. yeah.. you got it right.. I don't like money much at all..
unfortunately, it would take a lot of money to create this society,
but hopefully it could be self-sustaining once it was started..
It would also help if it was on another planet, something to think
about when we start colonizing other planets in the next century. :)

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