Steve ( )
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 17:28:41 -0400

> I'm certainly not advocating just giving away free energy technology > so as to not make any money. I just want to know what everybody thinks > about the issue. You know, what's the driving force in the free energy > researcher/inventor?

Hi Eric,

Personally I don't believe much money can be made from selling F/E
devices, and I probably wouldn't try to make money by selling them.
I do think the use of F/E devices could greatly lower production costs,
and stuff like that, but in general I think the basic technology
should be given away.. On a large scale, it would benefit everyone
more than selling it. I've been researching this stuff for almost
2 years now but have only done a few simple experiments, and my
main "driving force" is a better society.. Millions of dollars would
be nice, as it could finance other things, but I'd rather live in
a better society with an "average" income than have a lot of money
and live in a society like we have today.

> One of the things I was wondering about is the to patent or not to > patent question. Obviously, if you are of the oppinion to make great > amounts of money then of course you would get U.S. and international > patents. And to find a manufacturer or start a company yourself. And > make money and the recognition will follow.

Hmm.. you could patent something and still give it away, correct?
Some income from royalties would be nice, but I guess it would depend
on what the device actually is.. eg. simple new type of coil
winding for a generator/motor, or a complex electronic device.. Anyway,
I don't have anything to patent, so I hadn't really thought about it.
The best situation, in my opinion, would be for everyone to stop using
money, and have a "free" society, based on sharing of resources..
yeah I know, not likely to happen any time soon.. but it's a nice
thought. ;)


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