Re: Dendera Crypt Photos

Bob Paddock ( )
Fri, 07 Aug 1998 21:23:37 -0400

>as they offer no useful information), what appears to be a sun type of
>ball with rays coming out of it that look like lightning bolts and this
>ball is hovering between two weird looking stands

I don't remember where I stumbled in to this years ago.

Indiana Jones, in the Temple of Doom

All myths are based at some time on real events, and here are the
real events:

Let's take a look at the Genesis description of the Flood
and the survival vessel, and focus our attention on two
references. In this account we find two indications that
electricity may have played a vital role in the operation of the
ark. One reference is found in Genesis 8:6, where the Hebrew word
"challon" or "opening" is used, referring to the window through
which Noah released the birds. The other reference, however,
utilizes a different word -tsohar- which is translated as
"window" but does not mean window or opening at all! Where it is
used (22 times in the Old Testament), its meaning is given as "a
brightness, a brilliance, the light of the noonday sun." Its
cognates refer to something that "glistens, glitters or shines."
Many Jewish scholars of the traditional school identify "tsohar"
as "a light which has its origins in a shining crystal." For
centuries Hebrew tradition has described the "tsohar" as an
enormous gem or pearl that Noah hung from the rafters of the ark,
and which, by some power contained within itself, illuminated the
entire vessel for the duration of the Flood voyage.

Noah's light source seems to have been preserved in history
for hundreds of years, for we find indications that King Solomon
of Israel may have used it in about 1000 B.C. An Ancient Jewish
manuscript entitled "The Queen of Sheba and Her only Son
Menyelek," translated by Sir E.A.Wallis Budge, contains this
statement: "How the House of Solomon the King was illuminated as
by day, for in his wisdom he had made shining pearls which were
like unto the sun, the moon and the stars in the roof of his

In view of this, it is not surprising that Solomon himself
once wrote, "...there is no new thing under the sun. Is there
anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been
already of old time which was before us." (Eccl. 1:9-10.)

"of old time which was before us." probably refers to the ancient
ones. (The ones the were wiped out in one of the cataclysms
before the Flood.)

>I hate hot weather and haven't felt like doing much on a

Some thing I've wondered about is do you guys have
basement down there? Always 55'F year around here.

>Some might be wondering why this is so important, because these pictures
>come directly from the crypt underneath the Temple of Hathor, first one
>built by Seti I, roughly 3,000 years ago. I will get all the dates
>together to go with it, but its my opinion that someone was trying to
>pass on pre-Egyptian technical information by hiding it in this secret
>crypt that has survived without being scraped off all these centuries.

"Oooparts", things that can't exist according to our CURRENT
understanding of things, but go a head and exist any way.

If you dig in the right places and deep enough
the more you go back in time the more advanced the
technology becomes. Tele'marque (sp?) for example what
today would be the boarder of Iraq and Iron.

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