Re: Radioactivity/Gary

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 11:00:06 +1000

Hi Feberrus,

What a difficult question to answer. I assume you refer to the more exotic
approaches - not radioactive, solar, wind, water, etc.

A few years ago I became very interested in the work of Wesley W. Gary.
Late last century this fellow claimed to have created a self moving
mechanism based on magnetism and what he referred to as the 'neutral line'.
In an issue of Harpers magazine (c. 1880's) he outlined his ideas and
experiments with this approach. You should find a copy of this article
somewhere on Keelynet.

Basically, there were 4 embodyments outlined in this article, the last 2
of which claimed to be self oscillating and self rotating, respectively.
Anyone can perform the first embodyment quite successfully, being the basis
of the effect that Gary was dealing with. This experiment demonstrates
clearly the 'neutral line effect' and is performed with a horseshoe magnet,
a thin horseshoe shaped iron plate, and a nail. The next embodyment is
slightly more elaborate using 2 horseshoe magnets, 1 of them capable of
pivoting, and a strip of iron which can be accurately inserted between the
poles of the two magnets. I have also performed this experiment with
success - though it requires a delicate balance between the 3 components.
The third mechanism outlined is similar to the second but with a different
geometry of components. Here is where the experiment becomes very
interesting as success, according to Gary's claim, will provide a self
oscillating mechanism. It is at this stage where, also, the balancing act
between the components becomes critical - I have not successfully
replicated this arrangement. I believe the reason for my failure was one of
not understanding the relationship of the components properly at the time.

Gary states quite clearly that the balancing act required for success is a
difficult one to resolve. There has been no researcher to date that has
replicated Gary's self moving mechanism and I believe the reason for this
is in not understanding the very delicate relationship required by the
system. In Gary's time there were no powerful permenant magnets available.
He made his own out of lamenated steel energised by battery and coil.

In my experience with Gary's work, powerful magnets do not provide results
because the neutral line that can be made to exist between magnets and iron
requires low magnet field strenghts. Dan Davidson explored Gary's work some
years ago but failed to impliment low power magnets in his working
prototype. It's kind of interesting that today we can't even purchase low
power magnets suitable for this line of reaserch - what is needed are
magnet power levels on the order of residual magnetisation in common steel
- just as Gary used. There seems to be a 'trick' in setting up the system
into its balanced state, which to my knowledge no one is aware of or has
implimented. I'll go into it further if anyone is interested in pursuing
some experiments (ie: don't want to just talk about it, but would like to
do some work). I feel that with the correct approach the Gary device is
repeatable. My experiments have shown promise with this device and I plan
to get back to it when time allows.

As for other promising avenues - take your pick. Be your own sceptic and
demand that vague claims be backed up with something more substantial than
mere words before treating anything seriously. IMHO do not feed the beast
by paying money for crap information. My feeling is that if someone has
genuine information on offer, it will be 'free' or it will be a scam to
further their habit, whatever that might be. The clock's ticking...

Regards, Bill.

>At 16:27 5/08/98 EDT, wrote:


>i'm curious what do you bill and jerry think is the most
>promising avenue to free energy?
