Re: Radioactivity

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 11:38:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Bill!

Very, VERY well stated....I knew you'd been involved in checking out
so many claims and I was fairly certain none of them had panned out or
most of us would have been all over it BY NOW!

I really like your comment about wasting time and efforts, it becomes
more important to me with each passing year and having just
experienced a birthday I am very frustrated with our lack of REAL
> Time is short and there are a billion distractions
> out there to fritter away a lifetime. For those
> who seek the entertainment value in encountering
> the weird and bizarre, in terms of claims and
> theories, there is an ocean of it in which to swim.
> Personally, it all wears a bit thin.

You also wrote the following which is OH SO TRUE!!! either they don't
know flip about power and real world requirements, they are parroting
what they heard or they are simply deluding themselves;
> When I hear people seriously discussing 'free
> energy' in terms of it being a proven reality, I
> have to smile. In my experience, and in my
> opinion, there are no present practical solutions
> to experimentally demonstrate a 'free energy'
> device, in the terms we understand it. This is not
> good.....

Another excellent point that is right on target;
> Who needs 'big brother' control groups to control
> potential future energy sorces. We've got money
> to do that, have'nt we. Those with substanceless
> claims are allowed to hide behind their want for
> money. The 'free energy industry' today is a world
> wide multi-million dollar marketplace flogging
> whatever turns you on without ever having to prove
> a thing. That's entertainment.

It is inconceivable to me that someone would work their entire life on
something and DIE with the secret. There should have been documents
and several trusted friends who had been shown all the details of the
machine, how to build it, how it works, etc...without continuity of
knowledge through children and records, IMO the human race has no
hope. I treat such secrecy, paranoia and greed as sociopathic in light
of all the good it could do.

We'll get it, we HAVE to, I have nightmares of building a working
gravity belt that lets you fly, then dying before I can post the
complete construction details everywhere and through my snailmail
contacts. My family goes through my meager estate and doesn't realize
what the flippin thing is, so they throw it in the garbage...and
another one bites the dust..<g>..ain't gonna happen!
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