Re: Gravity....Push vs. Pull / Geostationary

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 21:19:46 -0400

Here we go again.

Edward Kauffmann wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I just had a crazy thought about gravity.
> If a quantum particle's state is dependant on the perception of the
> observer, and if gravity (and other stuff for that matter) is a quantum
> based force, then it could be possible to change your perception (or
> belief) that you will not fall to the ground when you jump in the air. Of
> course, everyone "knows" that they will fall, but perhaps that is the
> collective belief. Maybe that's why they are finding that gravity is not a
> constant, like thought before. Our collective beliefs have changed
> slightly due to all these new ideas. FTL, free energy, etc.
> Well... it was just a thought.
> Ed

Fortunately, Ed, reality is not determined only by the "collective
thought" of us human observers. It is the collective consiousness of ALL
observers, both complex like us or higher, and simple ones like a
particle. Since the particles 'know' how to behave based on their
nature, it keeps the rest of us in line so we don't constantly make a
mess of things. After all, just why is it that "everyone "knows" that
they will fall"? Something had to set the precedent for this perception.
Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue otherwise?

Bill Kingsbury wrote:
> Alternately, the above 'common center quite a ways beyond earth'
> may be an argument that we live in an illusion, like a Star Trek
> Holo-deck, where we sometimes get a glimpse of clues we weren't
> intended to spot. That is, your recollection (above) of the
> 'KeelyNet files', combined with a separate puzzlement of my own,
> leads me to the following.....

Bill, could you explain what an illusion is? If reality is an illusion,
doesn't that render the word illusion meaningless? Isn't illusion a sort
of relative term that implies a more substantial reality exists by
comparison? If all that we observe of our world is "illusion" does it
behave any differently? Think about this. I'm not pickin' on ya Bill,
you just expressed an idea that has been a trap for many unless it is
followed thoroughly through to its conclusion.

You will never understand gravity if you think of PUSH or PULL. There is
only motion, PERIOD. First understand how anything can move at all. No
thing is separate from the medium in which it exists. Matter exists as
vibrations within its aether medium. The medium IS solid in the sense
that there is no condition where it is absent. There cannot be 'holes'
in aether. So matter only moves through 'space' as a wave propagation.
You have to think of matter like a pool of otherwise calm water with
ripples on its surface. The water is the aether, the ripples are the
matter. How can you PUSH or PULL a ripple? No way! The only way to move
the ripple is to modify its motion by 'combining' other waveforms. Now
of course for 'waves' to exist in this aether it has to posess the
characteristic of variable density. How this can be possible I will not
delve into here as it is very complex.

I will be glad to discuss this on the list a little at a time with
everyone. I will not waste my time with individual e-mail as I have
learned that few will comprehend it and I have spent repeated wasted
effort in that manner with those who don't or who don't do anything with

Do you all want to use this forum to just trade spook stories or do you
want to learn something and work out the answers? Many of you don't know
me but some of the long-time Keelynetters do. If I sound like I think I
know the answers, well maybe I do. But you're not going to find out
until you engage me in discussion. I'm not going to holler into the wind
nor am I going to talk to myself. Life's too short and the clock is
ticking. Many of you have good ideas but you don't see the big picture.
Your concepts are too fragmentary. I don't want to take over the forum,
just want to have a continuing thread on this. If you don't ask
questions it won't go anywhere because I'm not going to preach (anymore

Things I want to discuss:
Matter particles; what are they and where do they come from?
Force; what is it?
Motion; why and how.

Lets keep the exchanges brief.

-Gerald O'Docharty