Re: Gravity....Push vs. Pull / Geostationary

Edward Kauffmann ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:29:13 -0400

Hi Everyone,

I just had a crazy thought about gravity.

If a quantum particle's state is dependant on the perception of the
observer, and if gravity (and other stuff for that matter) is a quantum
based force, then it could be possible to change your perception (or
belief) that you will not fall to the ground when you jump in the air. Of
course, everyone "knows" that they will fall, but perhaps that is the
collective belief. Maybe that's why they are finding that gravity is not a
constant, like thought before. Our collective beliefs have changed
slightly due to all these new ideas. FTL, free energy, etc.

Well... it was just a thought.
