Re: japanese electret

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:22:11 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Feberrus et al!

You wrote;
>'s called an electret and like a magnet it
> supplys energy without input but unlike a magnet
> it supplies electricity:

I have heard there are plans for monster versions of these that
somehow collect and store atmospheric electricity. It is hard to
believe that any 'power' could be gleaned from them to do anything
useful because they only produce a high voltage charge.

Since voltage and current are reciprocal, you can use high voltage
discharges to produce high amplitude SPIKES....but power ain't
spikes...unless of course you can get many of them close
together...this has been the error in several possible f/e units...the
waveform makes all the difference.

Power has to be 'stretched' over time to be useful, it can't be spikes
unless they are fairly close together, that would be able to sustain a
load continuously, not jerk it off and on from power variations. This
could also damage the circuit from heating and current spikes.

Anyway, I would be amazed if you could get any useful work from an
electret...I've often thought those perpetual lamps that are claimed
to be found in tombs sealed for 2000 years, might well be duplicated
using an electret to provide high voltage to stimulate a phosphor
panel, or even sealed hydrogen gas (which I understand emits light
when excited with phosphors). Cold lighting...

So I wouldn't count on electrets as a source of real power unless they
were coffee table sized units, which, btw, I understand those plans
tell you how to build...high voltage builds to a certain level,
discharges across a spark gap inside a vacuum tube to minimize heat
losses, dumps and stores the energy in a capacitor that feeds a DC
load. It is possible. Might even be able to increase the output by
blowing dry hot air near the electret (kind of like stimulating a
VanDeGraff for higher outputs using a hair dryer).... wrote:
> jerry wants more contributions so i sent for some data which you
shall have
> for free (as is my policy) this concerns a japanese invention used
to power
> telephones in world war II it's called an electret and like a magnet
> supplys energy without input but unlike a magnet it supplies
> the materials you can use are beeswax,sugar,lucite choose one.
> now melt your material into a molten state and put it bettween two
> plates atach one plate to a positive connection and the other to a
> then run about 50,000 volts D.C. through it untill the material
> then turn off the voltage and without touching the poles of the
> created by the plates wrap the whole thingin aluminum foil and store
it for a
> week. this is to charge it up. next take it out and connect the two
poles with
> a conductor this helps it stay charged then hook it up to what you
> powered.
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