>This has been written up and duplicated many years ago, I think by a
>Japanese scientist who was working in along the lines of Louis Kervran,
>best known for his experiments proving 'biological transmuation'...I
>can't remember the Japanese scientists name but some of his experiments
>were even more interesting than Kervrans discovery that potassium
>transmuted to calcium in the body of hens when they produced eggs.
Jerry, you are the second person to mention that this experiment has been
performed before. I confess I have not done any pre-experiment research.
But, if the phenomena is real then my experiment should duplicate those
earlier results, assuming of course that I don't introduce error into the
You also wrote of an experiment performed by a Dr. Galen involving plants
growing in darkness, with one group exposed to a metal plate which is
connected by a wire to an identical metal plate exposed to the sun
outside. This would be an interesting experiment that anyone could
duplicate. Who knows, maybe I'll do it after this one.
Jay J. Krull
(alias jjk@dnaco.net)
Kettering, Ohio