Re: Homemade Gas Vaporizer to increase mileage
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 19:18:04 +1000

>The request is for anyone you know who has done experiments
>in gasoline vaporization for application to motor vehicles
>and other i/c apps.
>Ron, the poet.

I knew an inventor in Pheonix who built just such a mechanical vaporizer,
which markedly improved mileage and performance. Just a metal tube divided
into about six sections with a turbine blade in each. All on a central
shaft, driven by a fan belt. The gas laid in the bottom and was wipped into
a vapor which migrated progressively through a hole in the top of each
partition, before being sucked into the carb. His lab was emptied by a
semi-trailer and he disappeared.

Another angle. Water and gas can be mixed into a stable emulsion when
placed between thinly spaced (high power) ultrasonic transducers. It
explodes violently upon ignition.

The above information is to be used only at your own risk.

Peter Nielsen