Complaint about archiving that was agreed to on subscription

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 01:18:01 -0500

Hi Folks!

I got this pathetic email today and figured some might like to refresh
what the guidelines are for this list;

> Excuse me Decker but this is a bunch of bs. Not telling
> people that you are archiving them this way before you
> do it is totally wrong. With a list of everything I
> have ever posted on here, being archived under my name,
> and being stored by sequential history, all anyone needs
> to do to know something about me is to read the list
> from the beginning-up.! You could also use whats being
> stored as a matrix-verbal- for a computer program.
> Who knows what could be used with this.
> Ps I am saving this letter and it better not go missing.

Surely you jest. You agreed to it when you signed on to the KeelyNet
list originally and the same applies for the different server.


1) - Private List

The list will be private (open without charge to
anyone, however, any 'subscribe' request requires
that the moderator (Jerry Decker) approves it first,
unless the person has been kicked off previously,
the subscription will go through with no problem).
When a list is PUBLIC, anyone can subscribe or
RE-subscribe AUTOMATICALLY, even if they have been
kicked off for spamming or behavior not within the
guidelines of the list. A PRIVATE list means the
moderator has to authorize each subscription before
they are actually added to the list. This helps to
keep out people who are trying to get on primarily
for mischief, flames, to promote their own agenda
or to otherwise sow discord. Posts can be made to
KeelyNet only by subscribers and not through outside

>>>> All emails posted to the KeelyNet list are in the
public domain and free to repost, archive or
otherwise distribute. If you disagree with this,
do not subscribe! <<<<
You are way too paranoid and though at first, I hoped it was just a joke
post, on re-reading it a few times, it is apparent you are serious.

I don't like the tone or attitude so you are now off the list as per the
guidelines which you NOW do not agree with and choose not to participate

Are you really simple enough to think that your emails constitute
sufficient information that someone would choose to take the time and
effort to install them in such a program. I would find that highly
insulting that my mind was so limited that it could be substituted with
a tricked up version of Eliza, lack of self-esteem if I ever saw it.

I don't have time for such mental aberrations, so go away now. I will
post this to the list without any names or addresses so everyone can
refresh what the guidelines are. Good luck as a program.
Please, everyone, reread the guidelines which have two new additions
relating to the 'list digest option' and requesting only 'ASCII text
format' emails.

If you find a problem with anything there and wish to discuss it, you
can email me privately or bring it up on the list so we can ALL discuss
it, instead of such a kneejerk out of the blue response. The solution
is always simple, either seek to make changes or leave, just go to;

amd type in your email address under unsubscribe. Piece of cake.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187