Re: White Light LED & miscellany

Bob Paddock ( )
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 13:04:50 -0400

>about a lot of things and he mentioned a white light LED.
>I thought he was joking but he found a source for them.

Several of the major LED manufactures are starting to bring
these to market. They are expensive because Blue LEDs are
still expensive.

Be careful tho the spectrum output is filtered to get a
pseudo-white, doesn't make a bit of different to flash light
applications but might for more esoteric projects.

>fibers with a weak current running through them as
>in an ohmmeter to read -8 ohms.

I've never seen any ohmmeter that could possibly measure
negative ohms. Test equipment only measures what it was
designed to measure, and a normal ohm meter is not designed
to measure negative ohms. So what are they really talking

>This sounds surprisingly similar to the late Jerry
>Gallimore and TT.Browns claims of using stressed
>Moray and other claimed free energy producers seem

Brown liked Bismituh, Di-Magnetic. Moray liked Germanium,
don't know what it is. What do they have in common?

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