Re: [Upside down magnetic fields & plants]

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 19:27:52 -0500

Hi Folks!

I'm not sure who wrote this;
> Jerry, the fact that the North Pole of magnets and compasses on the
> earth's surface point north, indicates that the north pole is
> actually giving out "South Pole" magnetic forces.

That is precisely the confusion. The north pole of magnets and
compasses CAN'T point north because like poles repel, so only a south
pole would point north...

The north pole 'giving out south pole forces'???? So are you saying its
easier to just change the age old identification of the north pole
rather than concede that our pointing devices could be wrong?

Which by the way, THEY ARE NOT...just that the labels on them are is still a thin magnetized strip having a north and south
pole...and the south pole seeks the earth north pole.

I'd LIKE to agree with John Berry that its really not important what we
call them, but it IS important because if we aren't using a consistent
method of labeling and terms, then everyone would have their own
'definition'...<g>...that would be interesting....kind of like the mess
of confusion in alt sci with cold current, zpe, aether, ether (the
chemical or the subspace plenum?) for starters.

The fact that one polarity produces specific bio effects which are
opposite to what the other polarity yields, shows there is a definite
difference and we have to distinguish clearly between the two poles.

As to the war thing....consider....small bands or tribes of warriors all
out to kill on an individual basis for equatorial and southern regions
AS OPPOSED to one crazy leader with hand picked crazies who order
soldiers to fight in the northern regions.

It is a one man on one man tribe killing basis with the southern region
AS OPPOSED to the passive group, non warlike mentality, ordered to kill
by warlike LEADERS and who are afraid to dispute the leaders knowing
they face court martial or death depending on the political system, in
the northern regions.

The preceeding paragraph is difficult to write, but I hope it gets my
point across.

The killing is less overall, I think in the southern regions because it
has to be done one to one, whereas in the north, technology lets one man
kill dozens or hundreds with a single projectile or bomb. Therefore,
there is no argument from me that the northern hemisphere has produced
far more deaths from war than the south.

HOWEVER, I still think in the northern hemisphere it is the minority of
soldiers who are out there just for the raw bloodlust that leads to
killing, rape and pillage by virtue of magnetic polarity influences.

The chickens grown under PURE south pole effects, according to Rawls
clearly showed that biology recognizes the difference in magnetic polar
effects, despite all our discussions....the cell will tell..<g>..

One thing Davis/Rawls are quite clear on...the energies do intermix the
closer the poles are to each although you could have MORE of
one polarity over another, you don't get the PURE very clear effects
they got because they used LONG bar and cylinder magnets, with the
understanding that the greater the distance BETWEEN the poles, the more
pure the energy would be and the more pronounced would be the effects of
the specific polar energy being tested.

IMO, in a spherical shape, even a 'slightly oblate spheroid' as the
earth is, the intermix of polarities won't reliably show the radical
differences which Davis/Rawls achieved using their widely separated
poles BECAUSE of this interblending and thus weakening of the specific
polar effects. Just so.

Of all the craziness that is happening now, I don't see any connection
with magnetic polarities...some say it is time running down to the
timewave zero concept (Terence Mckenna)

"So, for example, when we look at events of the one hundred years
leading up to the Mayan calendrical termination, we see that the graph
is topologically similar to the graph that we have said applied to the
past several thousand years. My interpretation of this is that it means
that shorter duration subsets of the fractal curve of time are
microversions of the larger pattern in which they are embedded. Such an
idea lays the basis for understanding such phenomena as fads, fashion,
and the occasional wave of historical obsession that characterize
society. Imagine zeroing in on the point in which the wave passes out of
the past and into the future. The stupendous idea of an end of time is
an attempt to negate the eternal stasis, to break the circle. All
peoples who have awakened to the suffering and hope of the condition
humaine have arrived at this idea, each in its own way. The other
peoples who have created a world for themselves have also appointed an
end to it: Indians, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Jews. This final time
revolutionizes the course of the world."

"Typically, the time wave (which in reality is a bi-directional,
tri-layer fractal compression wave) portrays a situation where
"structure" is created, producing an underlying sub-structure, as it
were, that becomes less organized until the point where it surfaces and
undermines the overlying structure, producing novelty and connectedness
on an instantaneous basis which is temporally recognized as an "event
horizon" involving a "plunge into novelty." Viewing the timewave, it
immediately becomes apparent that there are 6 very large plunges into
novelty between Jan 1, 1996 and Dec 22, 2012 that far outshadow all the
rest. The first occurs near the end of February 1996 and ends around the
first week of May 1996, wherein a structure-building (that is
self-undermining) process begins again."

To download the timewave software for free;
McKenna says time is a single wave which repeats itself as we go
forward, getting smaller with each repitition but with the same ups and
downs WITHIN that wave being repeated in each wave repitition until it
all comes to a stop in 2012 when the Mayan calendar stops...

Personally, I think all the weirdness of late is not only the centennial
weirdness that is well documented with the arrival each century
transition but further compounded by this being a MILLENIAL
transition.....and has NOTHING to do with the magnetic polarities of the

Oroblanco wrote;
> ...Anyway, so much for my opinion - and if anyone disagrees with me
> I will punch them in the nose! (ha ha - just kidding!)

That was a great closing comment perfectly in line with the topic..<g>..

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187