Propeller turns and object takes off with a whirlwind. (Elecritc =
motor- high speed connected to propeller. (See toy helicopter/ Vimana for =
1.What to question? Is this the answer or sollution. If any one can =
prove that Mercury spins when heated then Ancient India had Helicopters =
back a few years ago and we have been lied to , so we don't blow ourselves =
up again?
2. What kind of power ratio are we talking about here? Some real =
good power and good effiecncy(sp) results.
3. What kinda danger do we get from boiling mercury? Can it be =
contained to make it safe.
4. Was Mercury a engineered metal? Liquid metal - sounds pretty =
impressive and it would be a boom to it's creator several thousand years =
5. So how many thermometers does it take to fill a iron pot with =
mercury to test this out?
6. So why didn't any one put this together before?
>>> <> 04/22/99 06:51pm >>>
Tom this is Ron I think I remember reading the book you talk about a =
time ago.
I don't remember it now. I remember what our pres. said about there being =
kind of mercury that would have the properties to make it react the way =
If mercury in a sphere does emit a certain kind of radiation that would =
it to defy grav. itself then why not use it effieciently by making a=20
surounding surface to amplify it in certain directions?