Capacitive plate ball experiment

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 04:40:06 -0500

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Hi Folks!

I have been in dialogue with a guy who I think is from Canada regarding
the capacitive plate experiment where two plates are highly charged, a
steel ball bearing is placed on the bottom plate and it is supposed to
spiral around, moving to the outside rim of the plate where it continues
to rotate as long as the high voltage is present.

Now, I don't know of anyone who has duplicated this, but if it can be
duplicated, then a coil, like a big slinky, closest to the outside edge
of the lower capacitor, SHOULD induce a current flow because of some
kind of weird capacitive current effect.

Here are the messages;
> makes no sense with normal physics that a capacitive
>field between two plates could have sufficient magnetic density to
>drive a small ball bearing....and orbiting which indicates a rotary
>field that is INHERENT in high voltage capacitive flows..

Dear Jerry

THAT is correct only applying things as we were taught , however, if
the capacitve field is alternating you only have to apply Tesla's
homopolar generator flow to see that the charging flow on such disk
would occur in a spiral fashion ( see Tesla's patent sketch)

This is also supported by pure mathematics ( apply Maxwell's ) any
charge (electron) travelling through the conducting disk would create a
magnetic field that pushed the next flowing charge slightly off that
creates the spiral path - hence it would create a small magnetic vortex
(rotating field) this acting on the steel ball would move it like that.

Since charge accumulates at the edge of the disk capacitve flow would
only appear at the edge hence creating a magnetic "wall" preventing that
ball from rolloing over the edge . The vortex also would make the flow
at the edge slightly "out of phase" therefore not stright up but at an

That is by theory of EM fields . there has to be capcitive flow though
this means that if you us normal 60 hz 110V the disks must be close
together and the "ball" relative small - nothing extraordinary here -
this is simply applied science !! Not alsways it was explained that way
- but Tesla has done so nearly a 100 years ago!

It is exactly within the parameters of the idea I outlined which follows
Tesla's patent - hopefully I will have a room in my basement soon to
have experiments set up and tested. What you described is absolute
within the theory.
Forgot one important thing - you have to connect the disks at the center
to the AC source this is the little trick! Only then the vortex and
flow a la Tesla applies.
Hi Jerry - you misunderstood

the two circular plates must each have their lead go exactly to the
center. The current charging the disks will follow the spiral pattern
while loading the disks to capacity - with alternate current it also
discharges in such - as shown on Tesla's patent drawing for the
unipolar generator.

see attached gif - as good as I have it

This current flow in the disks will induce a weak magnetic vortex -
depending on frequency used the steel ball might be not more than 1/8"
in diameter . the distance of the disks is about 1/2"

This experiment is to my knowledge in a German school physics experiment
equipment book described. As an example for using the two disk capacitor
gadget for demos.

I have a faint memory of having seen something like that too - the ball
is very tiny ! the Voltage used was probably 220V 50Hz Standard German
utility power.

....From my recollection - the plates were most likely steel - the
basic setup is on kind of a rail - to have exact measurements for the
distance when teaching the basics of capacitance - it is a standard
school equipment for Highschool physics in Germany the disks have a
central pin attached for mounting them in the measuring device and to
connect the leads.

if you put the set vertical you can spin the ball between the plates.

I hope this clarifies the matter - till next time
(I don't recommend uploading any .gif or images to the list but this is
important to several here who have been awaiting new information
regarding this claim...I think this might be useful. Understand it
won't be recorded in the archives, but I will put it in the public files
under homopolr.gif as this image is named.)

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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