Pyramides 98

Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:41:37 -0700

> Since we are on the topic of Eygption mythology I thought this may
> prove interesting, all be it perhaps a bit cultish. It would appear that
> the Eygptions were masters of sound resonance. Also it is apparent that
> use of a battery cell (babaylon battery) for electroplating was common.
> The interesting thing about the Eygption tombs is the absence of carbon
> on the walls from conbustion type oil torches for light. As with my
> ealier posting on the expieriment of using resonance to produce light in
> water it may not be to far fetched that something like this may of being
> used.
> Larry
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image] [Image] [[Image] [Image] [Image]
> [ Pyramid98 ]
> [Image]
> [ Egypt Research ]
> UPDATED 27/2/98.
> After many years we have discovered an exciting link which happens this
> [ Harmonic researcyear at the Great Pyramid in Egypt in late 1998.
> In order for you to understand the meaning we need to give you some
> background history of the research that Dr Sherwood has done with regards
> to the harmonic timetable of the pyramid and it's chambers.
> [ Pyramid98 ]
> Each chamber is built a specific size and shape for a specific reason. With
> all the chambers we are looking at a specific mathematical table which
> produces 6 harmonic variations built within its design.
> [ Pyramid Harmonics ]
> These harmonics are resonances of sound or tones and can be reproduced by
> simply understanding what each harmonic scale is and then converting the
> mathematics into audible sound you can hear. With the sequence in question
> [ Grand Cycle ] it will only occur once every few thousand years as it requires the
> harmonic year cycle to be in the 166 range. Throughout the universe there
> is a pulse which is a harmonic of sound which can be so high in resonance
> that you cannot hear it with the human ear. As 1998 is in the 166 range we
> then look at the calendar which can be generated from the scale when
> applied to our current analysis of time and come up with the corresponding
> harmonics which match the chambers scales. In this way we can discover when
> the chambers themselves are active and how to get the responces from the
> structure itself. When this theory was tested in 1992 the effects were
> astounding! (This report can be obtained by going here!)
> Back then we did not have access to the scales available this year and now
> we see that all 3 chambers have harmonics appearing in the latter part of
> this year. This means that we can now obtain the desired responses
> necessary to apply a theory that there are in fact hidden passageways
> inside the pyramid itself which are keyed to these harmonic scales and can
> only be accessed when those scales occur. Dr Sherwood intends to enter the
> pyramid on these specific days and apply the required tones and then we
> will watch the effects. All we can say at this stage is that we are
> entering an exciting time!
> (Due to the sensative nature of this discovery we are not releasing the
> dates at this time!)
> Part 2.Click here![Image]
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> [Image]
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