Well, herein lies the chagrin...the lamp is extinguished and there is no
record of it ever having burnt while in possession of the museum. It is
though, the only instance that I am aware of, that one of those
legendary lamps is actually still in existence. As soon as I have the
time, I'll go back and shoot some pictures.
Kind regards,
Theo Paijmans
Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
> Hi Theo!
> WOW! You don't say specifically if it IS burning???
> Can you get video or stills of it???? Is it actually
> putting off light or heat? If so, how long? Does it
> get hot or stay cool? Is there any voltage associated
> with it? Is it a flame or a plasma? Is the glow dim,
> flickering or fairly bright? What is the color of the
> light that comes off?
> This could make a totally cool webpage!!!! And lead
> to something useful if the gestalt could figure it
> out...<g>..