[Fwd: Would You like to Become SMARTER?]

Steve ( steve@primeline.net )
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 21:11:27 -0400

Not very often is spam interesting.. (at least not the spam I usually
get) I thought some people on the list might be interested in this.

Next thing you know, we'll be seeing $19.95 reports showing how you
can "grow your own batteries".. I'm sure a lot of you have seen those
"potato clocks", right? There's some web page I've seen that shows
a voltage being measured across a hot pepper and various other
fruits & vegetables.. cool stuff. but not worth $20. haha.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Would You like to Become SMARTER?
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 99 7:10:46 PM
From: brainlabs@briefcase.com
Reply-To: brainlabs@briefcase.com

That's right! You have read the subject correctly. You too can become
smarter by utilizing our original Brain Power Pack. This revolutionary
information can make you smarter! How is that possible you ask? Your
brain works in mysterious ways and we have found PROVEN METHODS to
increase your BRAINPOWER. Did you know you only use eight to ten
percent of your brain? Then what is the rest for? The rest is for YOU
to unlock and open up. Human beings are thought to be processing one
billion separate pieces of information every second and it might even be
possible to send someone a message that lurks deep under their conscious
radar, nonetheless making an impact at some level. Brain Labs, the name
of our company, has been studying the cerebrum for over six years. Most
of our research and data analysis has been conducted at our Brain Labs
headquarters located in New Jersey, USA. Our information is highly
classified and is now available to the public. We do not charge for our
research, but we charge fifteen dollars for our report. This report
contains information and facts about the brain; facts on how your brain
works and what you can do physically/emotionally to increase your
brainpower and make you smarter. You will be given specific data and
information to help you become smarter. Do not take this email as a
joke, our customers who tried this have been overwhelmed by the
results. We have analyzed dreams, anomalies, and many other
brain-related subjects. Find out how our videocassettes, audiocassettes,
CD's, and other products can actually stimulate brainpower. Our report
contains the following:

- Comprehensive report of research and data on the brain
- Actual procedures you can take to become smarter
- Foods you can eat to make you smarter
- Audio and videocassettes which make you smarter, through our
"Subliminal State of Mind" system*
- How dreams can make you smarter
- How the smallest procedures you do affect your brain, whether it's
turning on a light switch or driving a car
- Utilize your five natural senses and your sixth unnatural sense to
make you smarter
- How your eyes pick up everything you see and store it in your brain
- How to change your thinking patterns to make you smarter
- And much, much more that can only be found in the report

Brain Lab's "Brain Power Pack" is available to you at a price of fifteen
dollars. We feel we should not charge for our product, but the money
invested into researching and our lengthy report cause us to do so. We
put our personal guarantee on this product. That is why, upon
purchasing this product, we will send you updates on our latest research
for free. To receive your report and to start becoming smarter, follow
the directions below.

Please mail us with the form below or just the information requested on
paper, along with a $15 (fifteen US dollars) check or money order.
(Make payment payable to Brain Labs. Do not send cash. Please allow
2-4 weeks for delivery.) Then you are on your way to becoming smarter.
Thank you very much for your time.


Brain Labs
P.O. Box 1313
Newark, NJ 07101
"Through our calculated thought process, you too can become smarter."

*not included with original report, more information is available upon
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