Re: Scalars, horns & the perception of evil

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 06 Apr 1999 18:15:32 +1200

At 00:19 5/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>For several years now, I have been trying to relegate most observations
>to wave interactions and phenomena. It's not as well thought out as I'd
>like which is why I am posting it hoping for other insights or
>corrections to the idea.

Kia Ora Jerry,

I just posted a letter to Larry and you should receive a copy.
The vedas quotes an instrument that does what you state in your posting.>
Usable energy lies in vibrations preferably physical as all matter
manifests itself as a physical identity. Electrical stimulation produces
energy but looses as much as it gives hence the 30 years or so search to
improve on nature.
The atom bomb is mixing matter to produce anihilation of matter with as a
much needed addition angular momentum of magnetic influence helped by the sun.
So the production of energy lies in the manipulation of matter to be super

Bye for now
