Re: Moron Cold Fusion

Jaman ( (no email) )
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 00:36:10 -0300

Hey Jerry,

You wrote:
>Thanks for your concerns but I don't agree with ANY OF
>THEM and I fully plan to leave bruises..<g>..and

Sorry no bruises, as I wrote at the bottom of my message:

So anyway you may want to at least think about other possibilities towards
the person/people who quit than to call them sponges. Then again you may
not, it's up to you.

So it appears you decided not, it's a free world (well sort of) as I stated
it's up to you. Not trying to force you to change your mind, just creating
an opportunity to maybe point out some things you might not have thought of.
You see I make my living off of psychology, especially as it relates to
group dynamics and confrontation. Guess it is a professional habit of
factoring background traits in any dispute.

It looks like I may have unintentionally left some bruises though, if so I
am sorry as I wrote that message in the offhand way you'd tell a friend at
lunch that he has mayonnaise on his tie.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry Wayne Decker <>
To: Jaman <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 1999 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: Moron Cold Fusion

>Hi John!
(body of message cut for brevity)