The Fifth Element

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 13:07:18 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

An interesting URL was posted where it appears science
is finally getting back to aether, calling it the
'Fifth Element' where it should rightfully be THE
FIRST since verything results from its cascade as seen
in the aether spectrum.

Aether divided & slowed down equals
Magnetism divided & slowed down equals
Electricity divided & slowed down equals
Light divided & slowed down equals
Heat divided & slowed down equals
Sound divided & slowed down equals
Physical vibration divided & slowed down equals

Just as Matter can be converted to Energy using E=MC^
so too can energy be crystallized into matter.

Some quotes;
" Einstein's equations, if you add the energy
density term to the pressure term and get a positive
result, gravity pulls. If the sum is negative, gravity
pushes. It's as simple as that. But how can the sum of
the terms be negative? Well, for all the usual stuff
in today's Universe--matter and light radiation--the
sum is always positive, since their energy densities
are positive and their pressures negligibly small."

"Negative pressure is not such a bizarre idea as it
first seems. It is simply a force pulling inwards like
the tension in a piece of stretched elastic. This
means that space can be springy providing it is made
of a weird material with a huge inward tension. This
is a very counterintuitive idea. After all, how can a
material that pulls inwards drive galaxies away from
each other? The key is to understand that the negative
pressure of space has no direct effect on its
surroundings. This is because forces are a consequence
of pressure differences. But in space every region is
surrounded by other regions, all at exactly the same
pressure. There are no pressure differences. The
negative pressure works in one way only: by generating
repulsive gravity through general relativity."

"So to explain the way space seems to be stretching,
we need to assume that it has a huge negative
pressure. Add in one extra tweak (see "The bizarre
world of springy space", p 31) and cosmologists have
their exotic material, which they dub the "Lambda

"One of the advantages of springy space is that it
solves a major cosmological puzzle. Cosmologists like
to talk about the density of the Universe in terms of
the so-called "critical density". This corresponds to
a Universe whose total energy--kinetic plus
potential--is zero. The popular theory of inflation,
which states that the Universe suddenly ballooned in
size during the first split second after its birth,
predicts that the Universe should have precisely the
critical density.

A universe that starts off with a density even
marginally different from the critical density will
either rocket up in density or plummet down. This fate
is avoided only by a Universe which starts out at
precisely critical density. It hovers there forever."

"These fields are like guitar strings. Each can
vibrate in an infinite number of modes--fundamental,
first overtone, and so on. However, unlike guitar
strings, none of these modes can be damped to zero
amplitude. It turns out that quantum theory sets a
minimum energy for every vibration mode.

This "zero-point energy" is tiny but when you add up
an infinite number of tiny bits of energy,
corresponding to the infinity of vibration modes of
all the fields, the answer you get is infinity. Since
the lowest possible energy of the fields corresponds
to the vacuum, quantum theory predicts that the vacuum
has an infinite energy density.
That means we have Push Gravity, Aether precipitation,
ZPE as offering tremenous amounts of energy tappable
through resonance and phase conjugation...sound
awfully familiar???

So science is slowly catching up with KeelyNet..<g>..

Here is the URL which I recommend you SAVE;


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as I am writing from my work email of!
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