Re: Fwd: Here's a Time Travel proposal.

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:45:05 +1000

Hi John,

First up, I am far from convinced that we have any factual proof of the
reality of free energy. This is an observation, I am not stating a fact.
I've been in this game going on 20 years and I've followed a few 'prophets'
<g> - but after all is said and done I can't honestly say that I've been
witness to any demonstration of free energy. There have certainly been
times when I thought I was seeing free energy, but further understanding
exposed the truth. I'm no longer interested or satisfied in simply
believing, I need to know - either way. For some, belief alone is the path
to enlightenment. Lucky them, I need to know. That is why I experiment.
Without experiment one simply waits for others to do the work. Not that
there's anything wrong with that <g>.

This experiment sounds interesting. You see, my need to grasp something
tangible, no matter how vaporous, places me in a position of what some may
perceive as gullibility. I just can't help myself, I want to KNOW this
world is a more interesting place - more so than some mechanistic, chaotic,
clockwork, entropic hell. If Lamont is interested in performing this
experiment with someone in Australia, lets have a go. I have a video
camera, a tape, a few bucks for postage, and a rediculously open (yet
slightly pragmatic) mind.

Regards, Bill.