Re: Major changes in the Linux world

Bob Paddock ( )
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 08:05:05 -0500

>Davidson has long been a staunch supporter and user of Linux wherever he
>can and though I've not used it, based on his recommendations and a
>couple of other friends who use it, I have been sorely tempted on many
>occasions to buy and install Linux at least as a dual system with my

I use it as a dual boot system my self. Mostly I find it
useful for rebuilding compilers and software. For most day
to day stuff I still use Windoze. :-(

>Everyone I know who uses Linux or works with it sings the praises of how
>blindingly fast programs run on it, the fact that it will run on just
>about everything and with unbelievably small amounts of memory required
>and that it just doesn't crash.

You need to have a CD drive to get it installed in any easy
fashion unless you have a direct network connection, and a
MODEM does not count.

>"Linux is designed for the low end of the Unix world. It runs, and runs
>well, in four megabytes of memory on an Intel 386 processor -- something
>not even Windows 3.1 could manage.

>A complete single-user installation with X Windows and the software
>development tools really needs a 486 and takes more space, but it still
>fits nicely in eight to 12 megabytes of RAM and 40 megabytes of disk

Alas it is not as easy as slapping in the RedHat 5.2 CD any
more and getting it to run in these low end systems. It can
be done but not with their nice package installer. That use
to be the case in earlier smaller versions of Linux.

>Although Linux tends to be weak in desktop productivity applications, it is addressing this issue.

>Good overview of why Linux is so great;

I don't know what it cost form XOOM but it was about $50 to
buy in the local book/software store. You want the RedHat
Box Set. If your new to Linux you NEED to have "The
complete Red Hat Linux 5.2 Installation Guide" that comes
in the box. It has two other 'books' in PDF format on the
CD's as well that are required reading.

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