Re: Nanotech and overunity?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:12:19 -0800 (PST)

Hi Matthew et al!

What a fascinating post!! Thanks!

All this 'quantum foam' of the ZPE is a much finer version of the
Brownian if we could learn to tap this chaotic motion, it
surely could be done on multiple orders of existence (atoms,
molecules, larger mass aggregations).

Now we need to find the URL for that SCIAM article...<g>...

---Matthew Goff wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was reading a fairly recent Scientific American, (Feb or Mar '99)
> came across a fairly interesting blurb on nanotech.
> Basically, the gist of the thing was that there are researchers that
> working on what are being called "Brownian motion motors". The main
> concept is that a wheel and ratchet assembly are constructed on the
> molecular level, such that random impact will turn the wheel (gear)
> the ratchet will only let it turn one way.
> Unfortunately, the researchers have not had any staggering success,
> this line of inquiry seems to point to the possibility of machines
> (albeit small ones) that would require no traditional power source in
> order to operate in non-frozen enviornments.
> Although I realize that using ambient, chaotic heat and motion is not
> really true overunity, given that the establishment at large seems to
> think that this "degenerated" energy is useless, I think that this is
> fairly cool.
> -Matt Goff
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