Re: Lee Rogers Air Powered Engine.

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:42:51 -0800 (PST)

Hi Ron et al!

All I have is the articles written about him....don't really recall if
he generated it onboard...though I thought he said you had to
initially charge it up, then it would at least partially restore while

Boese's daughter, the guy with the liquid nitrogen motor engine, said
he had figured out a way to compress liquid nitrogen from the air
while the car ran...though I don't think he actually built that
because he was in a wheelchair in his last makes sense that
he could capture the excaping nitrogen and recompress it....rather
than extracting fresh nitrogen from the air....who knows...

---RON BRENNEN wrote:
> Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> >
> > Hi Folks!
> >
> > Here are relevant patents including the original from Leroy Rogers;
> >
> > Master page for search of Rogers+air engine;
> Jerry,
> After reading Rogers patent 4292804 I don't see where Rogers claims
> to produce a source of compressed gas. His patent merely covers a
> method of controlling compressed gas to an engine.
> If you go to the first paragraph under DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
> PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS, the last line of this paragraph says " The
> preferred gas is air which can be obtained from any suitable source.
> Ron


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