hydrogen generation.

Marinus Berghuis ( renkahu@ihug.co.nz )
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 10:43:00 +1300

Good day to you all,

I am forever astounded at the information coming forward re hydrogen
generation to find that the free enery search is a most expensive almost
impossible to finance exercise.
Whenever mention is made like the last one 9.2 kilowatt of solar arrays.
If I could afford the cost I would run my house on this.
Whom of the normal working person's can afford to throw 10's of thousands
of dollars on this kind of research ?
Only those working on tax payers money can indulge in this and gleefully
inform us of the results without ever contributing to Joe Blogg getting his
hands on the cheap power.
I have after some three month's finally cured the water turning to soup in
the Joe 's cell and am making a small modification every day to try and get
a Hillman engine to work on the thing.
It generates plenty of bubbles that fire but not enough to overcome the
cast iron mass of the block todate. To run it for 6 weeks as suggested, I
need some $ 1000 for petrol at $.96 a litre or $4.32 per gallon against
yours of $ .76
I have also finally managed to contain a vacuum in the Chancey Britten tube
but still waiting on parts for the rest. Has to come from junkheaps to
replicate it. So where are the junk heaps in this country ? Buried forever
!! So onward christian soldiers !! Make it!!
Otherwise thanks for very interesting mail !! and have noted the changes to
