Re: flanagan?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:58:37 -0800 (PST)

Hi Nadia!

Patrick Flanagan's website is at;

I believe they are still selling the 'new' Neurophone under the name
of Thinkman....we used to talk often when he and Gael were still

That was until a friend in LA sent a 'reverse engineered' version of
the out of patent Mark eleven Neurophone and I much later sent it to
Terry Bastian who posted it on his site.

Long before this posting, I sent Patrick a copy of it to see what he
thought and he said it wasn't the same, but Gael called back and asked
me not to post it anyway.

On thinking about it, because it was freely shared and because the
patent was out and because nothing had been done commerically for all
those years, as a matter of honour it had to be posted.

Patrick said they were going to set up a website and go commercial
with the Thinkman, so we agreed not to post it for 6 months which
would give them plenty of time to get it together with the new model.

This could work very well as the old Mark eleven plans available from
Terry Bastians website (where, BTW, he has about 5 similar plans)
could easily direct anyone reading the file to consider purchasing a
new Thinkman version if they wanted the newest one.

If you might want to check out Terry's site, try;

and this file about the Neurophone;

I never heard from Patrick or Gael again after they realized the file
was going to be posted, even 6 months later to give them a chance to
get it together.

I even sent them an email congratulating them on their site as well as
posting a link to it and always referencing their site whenever the
term Neurophone arose.

That's life....good luck Nadia!
---that crazy grrrrl wrote:
> hey all,
> does anyone have dr. pat flanagan's email adress, or any other way i
> get in touch with him?
> any help will be greatly appreciated.
> thanx!
> nadia

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