hopefully clean message

Steve Meeker ( eardoc@earthlink.net )
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:50:13 -0800

Sorrysorrysorry---the happy99 rode into my computer last night on a
batch of medical msgs and i didnt know it until i posted to this
list---my Mcaffe didnt catch it. i have cleaned the system. everybody
else i emailed has macs so they werent bothered. THIS DID NOT HAVE
ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WEBACCELERATOR. that is a whole 'nother kettle
of fish. it just happened to RIDE on that msg. i have been offline
trying to deal with this, and have let the original sender know. I
appreciate all of the help people sent me. i feel very embarrassed
because i knew about the virus---just didnt catch it.
again, sorry
and i still dont like the webthing, and the fassstdisk went byebye real
fassssst. have sent a email to the makers.

Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
> Hi Doug!
> Bubba, you are really reaching here...there is NO correlation of