Fw: Electromed

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:32:48 -0500

>Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:37:40 -0500
>From: "Richard D. King Jr." <kingrd@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
>Here is a website announcing a conference that you may
>be interested in: "Electromed 99" First International
>Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments
>Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases
>Richard D. King Jr., Ph.D.
>Independent Consultant
>847 Jancey Street
>Pittsburgh, PA 15206
>(412) 441 - 8172

I visited this site and found that one of the sponsors was the Air Force. Very
interesting! Remember how quick the government shut up about the two guys with
the anthrax spores after they said that they weren't going to use them as a
weapon, but instead were going to test a "beam-tube frequency instrument" as a
defense against anthrax attacks?