Re: Lee Rogers Air Powered Engine.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 11:48:30 -0600

Hi Folks!

With regard to over-engineering the car in our discussions;

The problem with the airmotor engine is that no one has been able to
duplicate Rogers claims. I think at one time, I had seen a photocopy of
the car and it had the very large scoop on the front of it but nothing
else that was visible.

Nothing is said by Rogers or the interviewer about expanders or anything
that would change the phase of the gas to a liquid state, though the gas
is comporessed to about 500 psi to run. It apparently uses NORMAL AIR
and is initially run with compressed Nitrogen as its seed pressure. He
indicates that as the car runs at high speeds, the compressor restores
the pressure to the tank that has been used, making it a self-sustaining

Here are relevant quotes from the AIRMOTOR file;

"His idea to operate any regular gas designed engine on compressed air
could cut America's massive dependence upon foreign oil. Because, as
Lee Rogers says, "It's probably the closest thing to a perpetual motion
machine that may ever be invented."

"I would roughly estimate that it would take twice as much energy to
FILL the tanks and COMPRESS the air as the engine could EVER produce.
After all," Bagnall continued, "Rogers will have to use more fuel to
compress the tanks of air than the auto normally would use!"

"the compressor will be continually fueled simply by the power from
the engine itself."

they told me it was impossible to run an auto engine on just plain
'pure' simple air and I said, "Why?"

"All gasoline does is create a 'HOT' explosion driving the pistons up
and down, and the only reason it's a HOT explosion is because it's
IGNITED. So, I got to thinking, no reason why the air HAS to be HOT!
Why not just regular cool everyday air like you and I breathe?"

(Here he completely ignores CONVENTIONAL WISDOM and tries and IT WORKS!)

"Sounds good," everyone would say, "but it'll NEVER work!" "Well, I
MADE it work! I proved it! I not only STARTED it, and IDLED it (for
MANY, MANY hours), but I took 'em for a drive in it. - Now let 'em tell
me it CAN'T work!"

(Here it indicate the modifications aren't that extensive.)

"..there sits a regular looking 1977 Dodge station wagon. After showing
us the modifications,"

(Here are the modifications!)

"Lee began by tinkering with his 1977 Dodge Aspen station wagon. He
removed all the gasoline components from his engine, including the
carburetor, spark plugs, gas tank, fuel pump and exhaust system.

The old Dodge was originally fueled by pressurized air tanks that Rogers
had purchased. He has since designed an air compressor that provides a
CONTINUOUS supply of air to the engine. A conversion kit, that he
developed, attaches to the engine block, pumping pressurized air into
the cylinder - and it works!"

(Here we have the high velocity air flow to keep it cool.)

"And when you look at the engine, it has a nice frosty cool appearance
to it and is cold to the touch."

(Withheld secrets.)

"There's a couple little tricks to my invnention that I haven't told

(Rogers HAS A PATENT!)

"...But they want me to practically sign the patent over to them.
And Rogers has his engine patented to the hilt."

(Here it indicates it is a simple conversion from a normal vehicle and
that is uses NORMAL AIR and the initial PRESSURE CHARGE FROM NIROGEN!)

"Lee Rogers plans to build a "converter kit," that will adapt to any
American built auto, mass produce them and sell them outright."

"Lee Rogers air-powered conversion kit (when manufactured), could be
adapted to any American-made auto and would sell for about $1,000. The
kit could be installed by your local mechanic at a nearby gas station.
The car keeps its battery to power the lights, accessories and to start
up the air compressor.

Now, assuming you have bought the conversion kit, had it installed, you
are now ready for your initial test run. But, first you must spend $14
for a tank of NITROGEN to CHARGE all FOUR AIR TANKS that are mounted
where the gas tank USED TO BE. You have the MAIN tank, and the other

The compressor is fueled simply by power from the engine AS THE ENGINE
RUNS, it's constantly REBUILDING its own air supply.

As one tank EMPTIES, another is being FILLED....and so on. When the
charge gets to 500 PSI, the auto is ready for the highway.

The nitrogen is a one time purchase. It also cleans, blows out all oil
and gas residue, cleaning the valves, the engine and everything else
right out the the exhaust."

"...based loosely on the same theory of an AIR-GUN. The former gas
pedal acts like a TRIGGER and gives you VARIOUS SPEEDS, when you press
down on it."

(Why the conversion kit wasn't being sold at THAT time.)

"At low speeds, the auto uses the air pressure up in about 20 minutes.
The engine doesn't run FAST ENOUGH at 5 to 15 mph to rebuild the air
supply. The air pressure has to reach about 2,000 RPM's to remake its
own supply."
Here is a most intriguing email about Nitrogen sent in by Mike Visser
which might apply to these airmotor ponderings;

I had written;
> It would be interesting if there is some explosive property of
> nitrogen that has been missed. Does anyone know if that
> is so? I am certain there are numerous variations in what is
> considered 'fixed' reactions which if RE-investigated from a new
> perspective will provide new, novel, phenomena that could be adapted
> for practical uses.

Mike writes;

I quote from the book by Peter Plichta "Gods Secret Formula". pp 206
paperback edition.

"The oxygen and nitrogen molecules both contain a deep secret. The
magnetic power of oxygen had always been of interest to me. I had so
far had no special 'relationship' with the nitrogen molecule.

It (nitrogen) has a triple bond and, according to the rules of
chemistry, it should be so unstable that our planet should normally
consist of silicon nitride and not silicate bonds, the compounds of

It has been clear to me since I was 30 that the essence of silane oil
must have something to do with the phenomenon of lightning in
atmospheric storms.

When diluted bromine solution was dropped into highly diluted trisilane
at a temperature of -100C (1968 in Cologne), electrical circular flashes
had been discharged over the drop points.

At that time we were working with a pure nitrogen atmosphere. When I
used the much more aggressive chlorine instead of bromine and the
explosion occurred in the laboratory, I was again able to observe -
through my bullet proof helmet and the thin protective glass - an
electric flash before the blast of the explosion hit me."


A later quote from the same book;

"Three elements can form single, double and triple bonds, carbon,
oxygen, and nitrogen. Silicon has not not got this power because only
three elements were provided with the power of forming three different
types of bonds.

Chemistry is - like the other to natural sciences - the material costume
for mathematics with which the infinite is made finite."

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187