Re: Lee Rogers Air Powered Engine.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 22:26:34 -0600

Hi Larry et al!

Yes, I thought that it was clear in the Boese file and the comments that
the nitrogen was LIQUID and EXPANDED to a gas which produced the driving
pressure for the airmotor which ran the vehicle.

Quite different, IT APPEARS, from the Rogers airmotor which appears to
need large volumes of air, possibly to extract only one gas, nitrogen or
oxygen as most likely, then to explode it in the chamber. No one
apparently KNOWS what the trick is for his motor.

The Papp engine and the odd characteristics that occur when mass changes
phase and density might mean there is something that has been missed and
that Rogers found it and used it in his engine.

It would be great to make a trip out to Florida and wangle some time
around him...I'll bet money he would talk if properly approached...once
you have experienced the light of discovery in your eyes and your mind,
it can be easily evoked by others who have also experienced it.

I've seen it in many people not just in personal meetings but also in
phone calls and even emails, where people get excited and just can't get
enough or have their own ideas that they want to share or discuss.

I'll bet Lee Rogers, if he's still alive, could have that light
reawakened to a point that he would give out many clues or maybe even
his secret.

All that I've seen indicates a high quantity of air being needed and
that the engine runs cold even at high speeds.

Now Tesla's 'Liquid Air' motor, at least the information I've seen
claims to liquify air, meaning cooling and precipitation of a gas to a
liquid. This sounds very, VERY much like the Boese Nitrogen expansion

Boese's daughter said that her father was in a wheelchair in his last
years and claimed he had figured out a way to LIQUIFY nitrogen as the
car was driven, thus making it self-sustaining.

What are the real differences between an airmotor as Boese used as
opposed to a piston engine that was simply adapted by Rogers?