Re: Brain wave modification etc.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 15:05:09 -0600

Hi Niels!

Well now I can't do everything just for the instant gratification of
others, as I have to work and manage my own life like most other people.

I did download the web accelerator and the pc accelerator and NOW use
them at home, NOW at work and have seen a calculated speed increase of
202% on my home computer (it does run faster), a 318% increase on my
networked web computer (it does run faster) and a 1002% increase (yes,
that's what it said) on a friends computer last night and it
BLISTERS...much faster than of his friends didn't know we
installed the software and he sat down to run the computer...he asked if
it was the same computer or did he upgrade the motherboard as well as
cache and video ram...and we didn't tell him a thing...interesting
someone else would be able to detect a major performance/speed increase.

So please, if you see anything that I post whether from or from posted, its' not ever
going to be absolute fact as to effectiveness until you try it and prove
it for yourself....that goes for free energy, experimental circuits,
software, construction details, theory, WHATEVER.

No one here is wearing a Swastika with jack boots and FORCING you or
anyone else to try or believe anything....its always your option to try
it if you want, its not a COMMAND...<g>...but now I tried the
accelerator and subliminal programs and LOVE THEM, so I will say it
works for me as I have EXPERIENCED IT.

Just like a religious or UFO or paranormal experience...people think you
are crazy because it is beyond their normal experience and it makes no
sense to try to MAKE THEM BELIEVE YOU as they MUST EXPERIENCE it
themselves to make a value judgement based on their own worldview.

As to subliminals, the subliminal program is now
on several of our stations at work and I have it running on my system at
home, it doesn't interfere with anything so is an interesting
program and a friend at work tried the image subliminal where you can
use a picture with text or just a visual image.

Now he used a .bmp file which he said didn't work very well, but then
again .bmp images are incredibly sloppy and space intensive...there are
numerous programs that can alter the size and resolution and reduce the
necessary components for a much smaller and thus faster displaying and
disappearing picture.....I've not tried the image option but in my
experience the text thing works very far we have about 6
people using it.

I have to work from at least two email addresses so if its JD or JWD,
its me....if you CHOOSE to download a program, there is always the
option of removing it if it doesn't far, I am very happy as
are several of my friends with web and pc accelerator...and that goes
for the subliminal program also as I do detect some kind of burgeoning
ambition toward addressing my targeted weaknesses, which I admit are

As to Blaster5, I have used it with an amplifier and electrode plates
and experienced an energetic sensation that could well have been just
the modulated current flowing across my body...I get a similar effect
with my TENS unit and at the time I had nothing specific to 'treat' just
wanted to feel what different frequency currents feel like.

I know other people, including the authors of BLASTER5 who have used
this program with the most amazing report coming from the most technical
of the authors.

He did the basic research, both text and hardware that led to the
development...the test subject was on an old man who had one eye
completely clouded due to glaucoma and was blind in that eye...the old
man agreed to it as did his family, he was in a retirement home and so
couldn't well be treated by outside instrumentation.

However, his family would take him home on weekends...small electrode
plates were applied to the glaucoma affected eye so that the current
moved through the eye...they tuned it for the glaucoma setting in the
BLASTER and over a period of 6 weeks treatment, just on weekends, the
whitened eye of the glaucoma gradually faded until it was completely
gone and the mans' vision was restored.

This was told to me by the author of this program and I've know him for
many years and know him to be honest when he says he experienced or did do many in our local metroplex network.

Blaster is of course an experimental program and anyone who expects
miracles from any program or procedure making radical claims needs
counseling or to have someone slap them up the side of the head with the
reality check bat.

The point is to TRY IT if you are so inclined and if it doesn't work,
drop it and move on to something that does work FOR YOU....

Just as a point of interest, I wondered what the nature of the
'contributions' to the discussion list might be from Mr. Niels so here
they are, in their entirety. Try these archived messages and determine
what is useful; about teleport pro RQM information ferrada comet more ferrada yet more ferrada posting recommend.

As to my posting 'recommendations', shall we do a reality check from;

which clearly indicates no recommendation, just a suggestion and not
from me;

> Hi Folks!
> The infamous Jack Veach..<g>...suggests downloading the free
> accelerator programs at;
> that they will significantly speed up your web activities and your
> pc...I haven't tried them yet but plan to...enjoy..Jack is at

**** Anywhere in that document do you see a RECOMMENDATION to download
**** those files FROM Decker? Jack suggested it, not I. However, now
**** that I HAVE tried it, I DO recommend it. Interesting that all the
**** computers 3 to date that I've tried these programs on are working
**** much faster...must be the American hardware..<g>....

Say Niels, I'll make you a great deal on an American built PC...then you
can run a real computer...that actually works with many different
programs, not just a few....<g>....>>> Jerry W(ayne) Decker

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187