Re: aura therapeutic device similar to the LEA ?

ryb ( )
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:07:37 -0500

Okay-I have tried to post the following to the list(several times)-let us hope this time
it is not rejected !

> Sorry about the "<<" and italics...errors when I tried to send this post to the
> list..
> I have just received from:
> Noble County University Therapeutic Clinic.
> 515 West street
> Caldwell
> Ohio 43724
> (tel 740-732-0021) (e-mail
> their new booklet entitled "Doctor Book for the Aura"-your Halo;electric
> system of the Human Body
> This booklet is FREE...It cost them over $1.00 just to send it...
> It is better organized than their last pamphlhets..In it we learn more
> about how their treatments are applied..
> However they do not talk about the specifics of their device nor do
> they mention its radionic potentialities..
> But their method of laying healing hands on the body(I have tried it
> myself) does seem to work and produce feel heat in your
> hands as if your hands were in a hot air current...
> What is new is that they make the relationship between the 7 chakras and
> their effects on the body...
> Also that patients that had taken the Flanagan's "Mycrohydrin"
> recovered more quickly than the other ones..
> But the real news are THIS:according to Lee Crock,2 types of electric
> system in the body-the FERMENTED electric which is D.C. and the SPUN
> electric which is A.C.
> And he goes on to state that " our body uses FERMENTED electric which is
> mixing 2 kinds of minerals together and letting them ferment.This
> chemical fermentation gives off a DIRECT CURRENT and there is a
> different flavour to the current depending on the minerals used.The body
> uses sodium or salt and potassium for the electric that operates the
> body... : zinc and potassium have the same base,so the electric has the
> same flavour and the body will use either..."
> "SPUN electric is made by using 2 MAGNETS;you fasten one so that it
> stays still and spin the other around it to break the current by
> stretching the magnetic current until it breaks over.when you stretch
> the magnetic current it pulls on the other pole of the magnet making an
> A.C. current.This causes every other segment to be postive then
> negative.Your body just can't work with AC current,it only can and does
> operate on DC current with a particular flavour."
> " cannot store electricity,it has to be dis-charged.You are
> insulated from the gound.If you ground yourself,you do NOT have an
> aura..Your body is made up of streams of energy powered by the attracting
> and repulsion of the positive and negative poles.When the flow of energy
> becomes blocked or stagnant in any part of your body,certain conditions
> do occur in such ailments as arthritis,cancer,Alzheimer's
> disease,rhumatism,or muscle pains.The principles of the aura therapy
> provides the basis for an approach to healing which involves a gently
> yet powerful manipulation of the body and its energy currents..."
> Now,what I can derive from the above are the following points:
> -our body is electric
> -our body is+/- like the yin/yang(duality) principles
> -magnetism does affect our body
> -there aura is light therefore light therapy does affect it as well
> -plasma waves,radio frequencies,sound frequencies also affect our aura
> ,hence our body...
> WE have a plethora of different devices that operate along the above
> principles..
> I submit that one could reproduce Lee Crock's device minus the radionic
> effects(?) at a very low cost;in fact we seem to already have the
> devices to do so..just a matter of making them work together..
> (apparently it would cost you about $400 to build the device if you have the
> technological knowhow)
> Remember,the Ohio device directly affects the body's AURA which in turn
> sends a signal to the brain and hence the body to heal thyself..(people
> that have had chemeotherapy/radiation,the device does not seem to be
> helping them very much)
> .
> Most electrical healing devices require a direct contact with the skin
> thus bypassing the when one part of the body is "cured' ,well
> it still remains unbalanced in another part as the aura is still
> unbalanced..
> We have electro-crystal devices that seem to be giving good
> results,B.Beck's devices-blood purifier and magnetic pulser that are
> doing good things to patients and color therapy devices that do
> likewise..
> We also have violet ray therapeutic devices;Lakhovsky MWO...they give
> good results and the Bare/Rife devices,EMEM2 and zappers-these devices
> seem to be operating in a very specific range thus too limited to
> address all the ills in the body at once-so you have to go by exact
> frequencies and it is very time consuming..
> Now,if someone were to hook up a B.Beck blood purifier device to his
> magnetic pulser whose end would be a mesh wire screen to affect the aura
> more properly,while at same time have a color therapy device or
> electro-crystal device emit healing rays to the said person..maybe we
> would have a quasi- Ohio device for cheap instead of the $3,000 tag
> price..
> Yours,ryb....
> P.S. I think that the aura therapeutic device is giving the results-some
> say too good to be true,but I say-this is why it is really
> unnerving,that it really works as claimed !Also that the bad rep
> B.Beck's devices are getting-they must be used in conjunction-his blood
> purifier and magnetic pulser;and one must add an electro-crystal
> therapeutic or color therpy device..
> I hope that people that have the above devices and means to check my
> assertions up will do so...
> So far,I have NOT seen any interest in the Bare/Rife industrial groups
> any willingness to do anything outside their field...
> I might add that if one goes to this web site at:
> in addition to finding infos on the LEA-Life Energy Amplification product which is
> very similar to the Ohio device and superior to a degree..They do not seem to be too
> keen to talk about its healing potentialities on account of the FDA I presume-the LEA
> is mainly used a a sort of energizing product for th body and the mind..
> And on that site ,if you click on NEW Stuff you will find more about their FIRATS or
> Far Infra Red Aroma Therapy Sauna,which device is portable-beats any sauna or hot tubas
> you get out of this device moree nergised and in better health.. it is a healing
> device to a degree as they claim in can go up to 2 inchs in the body and clean the
> skin,blood and get rid of heavy toxic metals. It is based on the Far Infra Red
> technology.The FIR,contrary to saunas that emit positive ions,this one emits negative
> ions..
> and worth mentionning they also carry the SOMA and TURBO HGH Home Growth
> Hormones,developped in Germany in conjonction wiht he german LEA group-you can get
> younger from 10 to 30 yrs...
> These 2 HGH are energically vitalised by the LEA
> They also have a Scalar Aroma Therapy Ionizer (re Dr Mc Vea)
> I guess the fountain of youth is indeed being produced in California !
> I e-mailed Dr McVea infos about the Ohio device(aura therapy) and hopefully I will be
> getting some inputs in the near future..The LEA appears to be doing xtra things than
> the Ohio device and prices are similar..Maybe we now have all the curative devices we
> need to have !
> Prices-it was said in an earlier pamphlet by makers of the Ohio device(but said infos
> out of their latest pamplhet,less details on how it is working)that a person with
> electronic/electrical knowledge could build one for about$400 if he had the right
> tools and parts..It is my contenton that a LEA device coudl be build for about $500
> or so...
> Who will be the tinkerer to do it ? And sell it below $1,000,so to make it affordable
> ?The inventor of the Ohio device did not have any knowledge of the LEA device I am
> sure ,so ther must be a 3rd non copyrighted way to develop such a device,no ?
> Addendum-from what I have been able to read-B.Beck devices,the zappers and possibly the
> EME2+ give results that appear to be on par and sometimes even better than those using
> the Bare/Rife (technology) devices... and they are by far cheaper..and the Ohio and Lea
> devices also seem to give superior results as do radionic devices...