plasma tubes and Paulo Correa

Chris Blythe ( )
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:19:44 +0000

Hi, I'm newly subscribed to KeelyNet, my interests lie with The work of
the Correas and that of Mills and the hydrino theory. The Corres
electricity generating device is the subject of this email: The Pulsed
abnormal glow discharge regime. I am looking for a individual or company
interested in investing in the next stage of developement.

This is a workable system giving usable amounts of power. Correa has
spent 1/2 million of his own money getting it to its present stage of
developement and has a demonstratable product prototype. Multiple tubes
can be used to increase output voltage or current. Controlling polyphase
motors can also be achieved by altering/delaying the firing sequence to
multiple tubes. The system also has aplication for battery charging and
autonamous building power suplies, electric cars, satelites, remote
telecoms equipment.

The method of energy generation is not fully understood by me but I
hazard a guess that the correa PAGD technique releases the binding
energy of the metal atoms and in effect allows the aluminium to be
utilized as a fuel source. Consumption of Al is very modest and so it is
entirely possible for a generator to work for months or years on one set
of electrodes. Aluminium is one of the most plentiful and recyclable
materials as is glass, the other main ingredient.

I am looking to find people with the financial means or expertise to to
take this further. If you know someone or some company (maybe the one
you work for?) that would be interested in getting into the trillion
dollar energy market with a radically new product let me know. It is
going to take 3 years and a multi million investement to bring actual
product to market but it will be worth it for those involved.

If anyone is interested they can email me personally at or fax +44 (0)1752 673906 Tel +44 (0)1752

Yours Sincerely

Chris Blythe
Audio Dimensions

-- Chris Blythe