Heat/IR sensitive Solar Cells??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 00:26:02 -0600

Hi Folks!

The following message is extracted from the freenrg discussion list
hosted by the ineffable Bill Beaty. It is of interest here because it
appears to indicate that heat/IR energy can be intercepted by specially
doped cells to produce electricity. =

James Bailey at one time wrote me that the waste heat emanating from a
human body was on the order of 300 Watts. And we are working on posting
of an incredible little known document that indicates a way to develop
crystals that will sap ambient heat for the direct production of
electricity. =

(When this document comes online, it will also be passed around to many
other networkers for their own sharing and publication as well as a note
of its presence being posted here.)

What would happen if you acoustically or resonantly stimulate these IR
cells either while growing/depositing the crystals or during operation
to determine if the efficiency might be 'programmed' (ala Sweet) into
the material?? A most intriguing post.
In a message dated 99-01-18 21:46:39 EST, you write:

<< Photovoltaics without sunlight: JX Crystals manufactures the only
affordable photovoltaic cells that respond to infrared radiation =

from a fuel-fired emitter, rather than the visible light energy from =

the sun. >>


Highlights from my conversation w/Jason Keyes at JX Crystals (near

APPLICATION: This is a way to harvest electricity where you already
have a high heat application (furnaces, water heaters, etc.)--not a
preferential way of producing electricity...unless, like the military,
you=92re determined to eliminate all moving parts (except cooling fan) at=

any cost. =

AVAILABILITY: About 20 Midnite Sun furnaces are available for $2500 as
=93beta site=94 units--pref. sold to end-users located in the Seattle
vicinity, and who can provide the most salient feedback during this
latter development phase. The units consist of a 25K BTU/hr. heater
(comparable to a wood-burning stove) with thermo/photo/voltaic cells
built in.

OPERATION: Pressurized propane or natural gas flame heats silicon
carbide ceramic =93emitter=94 which glows white hot. Forced air is mixed=

w/propane to increase flame heat to just under 1300 C required to induce
the requisite IR frequencies from the emitter. =

144 cells are positioned 1=94 away. Between them is a =93dielectric=94 (=
think they mean =93DICHROIC=94) filter: a glass w/sprayed-on layers that
reflects higher (non-electricity producing) IR wavelengths back at the
emitter, cooling the cells while increasing emitter efficiency by
re-heating it. =

Cells respond to 1.7 microns & slightly higher (whereas conventional
silicon cells are optimized for 1.1+ microns).

OUTPUT: The unit produces 100W, 15W of which is diverted to the forced
air system, leaving an available output of 85W @ 12V or 24V. The fans
improve heater efficiency by circulating warm air. =

The Midnite Sun heater is about 1/4 as electrically efficient as
solar--about 1.5% efficient--when comparing equal collector area, and
assuming optimum energy input: in peak sunlight, ~1KW falls on a sq.
meter of PV module; Midnite Sun, ~40W.

MORE R & D: If you wanted to buy a few cells for experimentation, they
could had for ~$200/pc; for a few hundred, $40/pc. (the best deal is to
buy a furnace). =

Cells are theoretically capable of 6W: 1W is affordable w/air forced
over cooling fins behind cells; 2W is expensive, a military application
w/water cooling (or A LOT of air); more W requires extravagant cooling

The web address describing the technology and showing the furnace that
provides electricity directly from the heat is located at;


-- =

Jerry Wayne Decker / jdecker@keelynet.com
http://keelynet.com / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187