Re: 40% Overunity??

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:28:17 -0800 (PST)

Hi Dusty et al!

I don't see the correlation as we don't know how Tesla's circuit could
have been manipulating a signal so that it was thus phased (electrical
concurrent with magnetic fields).

It would be closer I think to Henry Moray where he used a special
diode that would capture all the energy in any incoming wave, both
positive and negative going.

That in turn ties in with the Avramenko plug used for single wire
transmission and which is basically two diodes, opposite each other
and which allow current to flow bidirectionally into a tuned circuit
from a tuned power supply.

Note in none of these is there indication that the electrical field is
concurrent with the magnetic field.

The beauty of something like the Moray system is it would capture all
frequencies that came in through an antenna and store that energy in a
common capacitor, one having a positive charge, the other having a
negative charge.

That means the circuit would be an antenna connected to one end of a
positively biased diode as well as being connected on one end of a
negatively biased diode....the output of each diode would be separate
and arranged so as to dump into a capacitor that would hold the
appropriate charge and thus collect any energy that came in.

As I understand it, the trick is that the storage device (capacitor)
for this incoming energy should have the least possible resistance,
preferably a negative resistance situation (yeah, right..dream
on)....the point is that we want absolutely the lowest resistance to
any incoming waves.

When one capacitor charges up to a prearranged level, it would dump
into another storage device such as a capacitor...when it fills up, it
dumps into yet another capacitor or bank and eventually to a battery
or just a capacitor bank to avoid chemical issues.

That's my take on it. I'm not sure his theory would work. It seems
almost scalar in concept where a signal is 180 degree phase cancelled,
but its more like a phase would you do this in a
given EM wave so that the waves were coincident???

---Dusty Rhodes wrote:
> Greetings to all,
> Doesn't this sound just like the same principal Tesla was using to
> his Electric Car.
> Except he was drawing from the 'aether' for his source through a
> antenna.
> Dusty
> Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
> > Hi Folks!
> >
> > You might want to check out the claims of the theory posted at this
> > site. I didn't see any proofs or indications of a test but the
> > is interesting.
> >
> >
> >
> > The author invites comments or observations.
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