Re: gas from coal

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 20:22:00 -0600

Hi Theo et al!

You wrote;
> ...In that book. Bulwer-Lytton describes how the Vril-Ya - the
> underground race that is able to use the vril force - use wings to
> fly, with the help of vril.

I've long thought that the myth of 'angels' was simply uninformed people
witnessing mechanically winged humans with less weight or a means of
producing such.

Same applies to the mythological flying horses, though it would be
intriguing if a biological offshoot occurred where they actually did
have lightweight bones and real muscled wing structures.

There should be some archeological evidence to back that up. I read
years ago about someone finding either a centaur or satyr fossil high up
in a mountain range. I should have excerpted that as a piece of
interesting trivia. Its been a long time but I think it was half goat,
half man which would be a satyr.

The point being there are indications of epochs in mankinds history
which are lost or unknown to us at this time. Witness the many strange
artifacts found at the Acambero site in Mexico, not to mention the
numerous accounts of giant skeletons, etc. many found in the southwest
deserts of America, the vacuum tube pictures on the wall in the crypt at
Dendera, the huge stones used to build various pyramids and the
amazingly huge stones at the Temple of Jupiter for starters.

Scheduled in the early part of March of this year, there will be a TV
documentary of the opening of the newest underground chamber at the Giza

I don't have information on it yet, but it appears to be a chamber
between the legs of the Sphinx. When we were there a couple of years
ago, there was some kind of operation going on between the legs of the
Sphinx but they were just beginning and hadn't penetrated yet, or
according to some, had not 'salted' the site with Egyptian artifacts
yet, so weren't ready to go public.

Many believe Hawass and Egyptian archeologists are well aware that many
of the mysteries of Egypt were not accomplished by Egyptians but are
remnants of a superior race who preceded them. To that end, they
blatantly salt new digs with Egyptian artifacts to fulfill the belief
that it was Egyptian originated technology.

I have little doubt that whoever moved the giant rocks had knowledge of
temporary weight reduction in mass. Look at Ed Leekskalnins Coral
Castle in Florida.

So, we apparently have several approaches to such manned flight;

1) use of a neutral buoyancy gas that could be run through tubes in
a flight suit or placed in a gasbag to lift any size flying
machine, probably heated to produce the high lift effect

2) use of a meditative technique that would alter the flow of gravity
in the subject to allow either weight reduction or outright

3) use of a mechanical device to alter the flow of gravity or
redirect inertia to provide weight reduction or lift, probably
using acoustic vibration or rotating/vibrating mass

4) use of an electronic method as in the multiple indications of
a band around an object, one researcher claiming Moire' type
patterns to produce interference in the gravity influx, others
claiming a closing of the neutral center of mass of the object
to restrict aether/zpe influx and thus reduce weight and gravity

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187