Please Read This!

John Berry ( )
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 21:07:30 +1300

I fully expect to have a successful Free Energy machine this year with
no additional help than I am currently getting, Why? Because I am

I thought the same thing last year
And the year before that
And so on...

Jerry has been in this field for 30+ years and he thought last year
there would be a working Bessler motor, I bet that most of us can say we
expect it to happen in about a year, but this year has passed many times
for most of us but we still believe.
You could believe that everyone has been faking it and that's why there
is no Free Energy but if so why are you here? So few of you believe that
they were all faked right?
Well if not faked then what can be done to grasp these technologies?
Well Obviously nothing that has been done for well over a century,
something proven to work not proven to fail.
This has never been done before in the alt.sci area, If we are to assume
that logically we must learn from the past to succeed then we must do
something different, I have given my suggestion, What other ideas do you
have out there?

This is placing the responsibility firmly on ALL of or shoulders rather
than (excuse me here) bitching about the lone inventors that fall short.

If a large number of people (YOU READING THIS NOW) don't make this
happen then it will not work all that well, you have to invest big into
this in some way or get out and just go on talking and entertaining
yourself on the list, You can still do your lone inventor thing as I
will but come on and make this a unified effort and MAKE it happen on
all our strength rather than ALL picking on the one of us who actually
got of his butt and experimented and got results.

You can:

Please give Time, Skills, Money in proportion to how much you want Free
energy and Antigravity to a unified action.

Or come up with a better idea to change our course.

Or just keep the naive belief that nothing more is needed for Free
Energy to be truly discovered that this year will be different without
any change in action than before, And keep talking and experiment on
your lonesome. (you have a real chance of getting free energy but
statistically no chance of getting this out to people by that road)

John Berry

If anyone does not like me ignore that, I don't even particularly want
to be to boss, Or start up your own unified research thingy and I'll
encourage everyone to join that one and transferee all funds, This is
not about me, it's just me idea, The people are the resources (at this
early stage)