Further, there are license plate covers for $20.00 to $30.00 which absorb
laser beams for guns and hood shields which absorb radar.
A couple of magazines have published complete plans for a radar calibration
unit, i.e. dial the speed you want them to see. Note: if you get caught with
said device active there may be jail time and or fines - $5-10k.
I assume no legal liability, you are responsible for your own actions, this
is for informational purposes only.
There are books on cop behavior and radar, usually they are lazy and once
you know hwere they hang out, just slow donw in those areas, find out what
to look for, be aware. I have driven for 30+ years and except for the second
day I had my license, I go like hell and do not get tickets. I get a rebate
on insurance, The trick is knowing where the cops are before they do. I do
not believe that you need all the good stuff, but once you know where they
are, vary your route, avoid them.
-----Original Message-----
From: nmb <kbsdk@swbell.net>
To: sales@newebpage.com <sales@newebpage.com> sales@tickethelp.com
<sales@tickethelp.com> rife-list@eskimo.com <rife-list@eskimo.com>
freenrg-1@eskimo.com <freenrg-1@eskimo.com> freenrg-l@eskimo.com
<freenrg-l@eskimo.com> jdecker@keelynet.com <jdecker@keelynet.com>
KeelyNet@DallasTexas.net <KeelyNet@DallasTexas.net>
Cc: leapent@gte.net <leapent@gte.net>
Date: Thursday, December 31, 1998 7:11 PM
Subject: I need help
>Hello Everyone,
>I have had enough of the police officers with their high tech radars and
>strategic locations on the road. Every little chance they get, they will
>try to pull you over to write you a traffic ticket just to meet a quota.
>Does anyone know how I can put together a radar transmission scrambler
>and a car coaking device. With this combination, I could scramble all
>police radar signaling and become virtually invisible while driving pass
>a police car. I guess I would also need an efficent way to police cars
>approaching. Please help me with this idea.
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