Re: Troy Reeds Magnetic Healing Device

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 02:17:46 -0500

Hi Don et al!

You wrote;
> do you know what field strength (gauss) the magenets were?

I don't have any information about the field strength of Troys magnets.
As far as I know, the physical distance is irrelevant, just so the
magnetic field passes through the body. I saw a device sold for about
$50 that looks like a flat deodorant dispenser with a red plastic lens
on one end. When you hold this near a moving magnetic field (must be a
hall effect switch) it glows red. The idea is to hold a magnet near the
body and hold this detector on the opposite side to show that the field
did indeed pierce the body...I think anyone working with magnets and the
body should have one of these or a similar unit...someone should post
plans for how to build a cheapie one...seems easy enough, Radio Shack
has the hall effect switches and basically when they sense a moving
magnetic field they simply turn on a light...piece of cake.

You wrote;
> what is a 'microwave' magnet?

It is about 3" in diameter, about a 1" hole in the middle, flat and
about 1/2" thick. They are used in microwave ovens for the magnetron
circuit. I understand they are used to steer the microwave beam and are
often junked with old broken microwaves so should be easy enough to
scavenge from a shop that does appliance repair or maybe available
through some company like MCM.

You wrote;
> does Graingers have a website?

A simple search of w.w.graingers found the following table of contents;

an excellent tutorial on magnets, their uses, types and properties;

some other great magnet articles on Bill Beaty's site;

for hoots, here are two companies selling all kinds of magnetic
products, health and energy savings, so they claim;

Norm Wootan sometimes comes up with the darndest things in his travels,
so I'm hoping he could find a source for these magnets. Surely a search
will find them, they are exceedingly powerful for their size, though
there must certainly be others which would work just as well.

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187