Re: End of Big Bang Theory

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 00:32:09 -0500

Hi Michael!

Yep, I went overboard with that email and I apologize publicly. It was
outside the bounds of courtesy that are in the guidelines of the list.

I saw the 'some are tired' thinking you were referring to Rawls when IN
FACT you were referring to people tired of hearing about that
case, I am in complete agreement.

After I hit the send key, I later reread the message from the list send
and it hit me...what a jerk I had been...sorry....

You see, there is a kind of church that revolves around Tesla as if he
is the ONLY scientist there ever was. Usually these people buy into
everything that is remotely related to Tesla even if he never said or
intimated what they are claiming as his work or writings...when you try
to correct them or ask for proof, they go ballistic, like you'd become
blasphemous....well, bs is bs and none scream louder than when caught in
their own web.

IMHPFO, NO single researcher, Keely, Tesla, Schauberger, Russell, anyone
offers the one and only answer, all have pieces of the greater puzzles.
So I am 'sensitized' when I see primarily one researcher being touted as
THE one, its hard for me not to fall into that trap with Keely, knowing
that I'll get slapped all over even if this is KeelyNet...<g>..

Some of the emails I get about KeelyNet are so picky or pathetic that
they bother me much more than they are worth, some I ignore as obvious
trolls, some I answer when they are at least open to an answer or
positive comment.

Jerk responses are a personal fault that I try to keep quenched,
sometimes I fail and wind up saying something stupid, like I did in that
response to you, compounded by being on a public list. At the very
least I should have made it PRIVATE. Two mistakes, so Sorry^

So, again, I'm sorry for taking off like that, it was a jerk response
and beyond the guidelines of the list as to personal courtesy and some
degree of respect....I'll just agree to disagree and move on.

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187