Re: Negative Resistance discovered??

Bob Paddock ( )
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 20:41:40 -0400

>Be careful of terminology here. In common physics,
>resistance expresses the ratio between current and
>voltage in a conductor. You use voltage to push a
>current through a conductor, expressed by Ohm's
>law E = IR.

Normal every day Negative Resistance is a increase in
voltage leads to a decreased current. Can also be considered
negative conductance? Need to get out the text book on that
one and check...

>There are many well-known devices, primarily a glow

Also Tunnel Diodes which where Germanium devices. Expensive
and hard to come by these days. Hard to get to work because
they can oscillate on multiple frequencies simultaneously up in
to the GHz's. 1N3712->3721, TD260, TD270 are some part
numbers if any one can come up with some.

A newer version of the Tunnel Diode has been around for a
while called the Lamda Diode. Don't know of any part
numbers but you can make one out of two JFETs.

N-Channel 2N4360 +V/Anode
.-------G--| |
| |--D------------. |
| | |
| | |
| .----D--| |
| |--G------------.
| P-Channel 2N3819

The above will show the classic Negative -R V/I curve. I
dought that it is useful for Free Energy. A Tunnel Diode
made out of Germanium maybe. If any one does make use of it
let us all know.

Since a Tunnel Diode will oscillate at 0.3 volts, below the
0.45 volts of Silicon Solar Cells you could make a step-up
switching regulator with them. Does that count as Free
Energy? :-)

>Glow discharges are not energy sources, with the
>exception of the Correa Pulsed Abnormal Glow
>Discharge device, and that is quite another

I've always thought a plasma would be the best way to
intermix with the Aether myself.

>shocking as the LENR phenomena.

A new one for me? What is LENR?

-- For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:          Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.