Minato Demo in Mexico City July 10th, 1998

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 08 Jul 1998 00:01:55 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here is a post from Gene Mallove on the Minato demo that is taking place
in Mexico City this week, it was posted to the vortex list;
I spoke to Bob Vermillion of Tri-Cosmos Development (Los Angeles, CA
310-284-3250 or fax 310-284-3260) today, just before he left for the
three-day demonstrations of the Minato magnetic motor being held in
Mexico City, Mexico on July 8, 9, 10th.

Three (3) Minato Motors (MM), covered by US patents 5,594,289 (Jan 14,
1997) and (4,751,486 June 14, 1988), have been brought over from Japan.
One was allegedly tested last evening by Grupo Bufete Industrial
(supposedly one of the largest power generation construction companies
Mexico and South America). The company engineers were said (by
Vermillion) to have measured an output /input ratio of 4.3 / 1. The
printed literature, which I received in a Fedex packet from Vermillion
states that the device can put out 500 watts (maximum) with an input of
34 watts. For those of you who wonder why the device is not
self-sustaining -- oral info from Vermillion is that Minato *will* in
the course of one of the demonstrations *remove the battery power
supply* and let the device self-run -- presumably with a load. The
press release makes no bones about the physics-busting character of the
MM: "As rotations per minute (rpm's) increase, the electromagnetic
consumption of the stator decreases. This phenomenon is in direct
conflict with accepted laws of physics and is achieved through the
repelling magnetic fields. It operates without heat, noise, or pollution
of any kind. It can be produced in size from ultra-small to very
large." It is said in the press release that applications from cell
phones to laptop computers are under development.

Vermillion told me of other parties who were planning to attend the
demonstrations, which will be conducted both in public displays and
with private party measurements. These include: ENRON, Bechtel, Tejas (a
division of Shell Oil Corporation), Fluor Daniels, Kellogg Corp. . He
told me that Hal Fox of New Energy News and the Fusion Information
Center will be there (I confirmed with Hal that he will be there and
will give us a full report.) I considered going myself (I was invited),
but I trust Hal Fox to provide a full report -- he should be back this

Mr. Kohei Minato will be there -- he has already arrived, I understand.
He hand carried one of the motors that was already tested yesterday. The
wealthy Japanese individual who owns Tri-Cosmos Dev. Co. is Mr. Charly
Fujiki. Attendance is by invitation only, but let me here provide the
Grupo Bufete numbers: (723-45-78 and Fax 723-47-18 in Mexico City).
The exhibition will be in the Grupo Bufete Industrial building. The
invitation says: "Mr. Minato, the inventor, will be present to explain
and demonstrate his remarkable breakthrough in technology to government
and business leaders in Mexico. He will also discuss the possible use
(and) application for various other industries, including a giant
generator project, based on the principal mechanism being displayed."
Daily demonstrations are from 10:30 am to Noon, 4:30 to 5:30 pm and 6 to
7:30 pm.

A block diagram of the motor indicates that it is about 500 kg. An arrow
indicates that its 500 watt output goes to a load -- schematically
indicated as an array of light bulbs. The unit is within a cube 1.2
meters on edge. The diagram shows a solar panel(!!) providing input to
the battery that powers the device - I supposes for completeness, but
that is obviously silly in view of the claim. Vermillion assured me that
this solar panel was not an essential part of the system.

One of the two color brochures in the package shows the Minato motor
with its charactersitic coils that have their pole faces toward the
perimeters of permanent magnet containing wheels that are stacked on an
axle. If you looks at the thing quickly, you'd think you were looking
at a steam turbine.

The 1997 patent #5,594,289 states in its abstract:

"On a rotor which is fixed to a rotatable rotating shaft, a plurality of
permanent magnets are disposed along the direction of rotation such that
the same magnetic pole type therof face outward. In the same way,
balancers are disposed on the rotor for balancing rotation of this

Each of the permanent magnets is obliquely arranged with respect to the
radial direction line of the rotor. At the outer periphery of the rotor,
an electromagnet is disposed facing this rotor, with this electromagnet
intermittently energized based on the rotation of the rotor. According
to the magnetic rotating apparatus of the present invention, rotational
energy can be efficiently obtained from permanent magnets. This is made
possible by minimizing as much as possible current supplied to the
electromagnets, so that only a required amount of electrical energy is
supplied to the electromagnets."

It will be interesting, indeed, to learn what comes out of this.
Perhaps the famous white rabbit disappearing down a hole, or maybe the
birth of a revolution? We shall see.

Best wishes, Gene

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, Editor-in-Chief
Infinite Energy Magazine
Cold Fusion Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 2816
Concord, NH 03302-2816

Ph: 603-228-4516
Fax: 603-224-5975


--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187