Nicola Tesla - Dr. of Time

michael olson ( )
Sun, 05 Jul 1998 19:39:56 -0700

There are always some " occult" ideas out there. I've mentioned
Vassilatos's book" secrets of cold war technology", and still recommend
it, however he does paraphrase himself alot, repeats what he's just said
a paragraph or two before, and keeps a mystery around things.
In regard to Nicola Tesla, vassilatos mentions he broadcasted the
aether to wirelessly run his motors. He mentions how Tesla had ballons
adrift which were connected to his coil apparatus (i.e. terminals) and
how motors he had in the park turned wirelessly. He noted that the
motors had more power when connected to the ground.
Now through this Vassilatos keeps mentioning the aether "for almost
There is a lot of misinformation regarding tesla it seems. We even had
him covered for a topic in junior high school- about 17 years ago. At
that time the science teacher introduced Tesla to the class, and began
to tell us of his wireless motors, and capacitor system, and how "Tesla"
planned to send these motors energy through " lightning" like discharges
from a sending terminal. The only problem with this though,said our
teacher, was the electricity went through walls, and every which way
direction. The receiving terminal was suppose to be on top of a
Heres how Tesla really did it, and in his own words.It is copied from
the book" the fantastic inventions of Nicola Tesla" There is also a fair
amount of bunk in the book, but a number of pages with Teslas own
writing. Before I go on I should say that everyone is looking for the
free energy source, and lots thought Tesla knew "it" If you stop to
consider what Tesla and his technology could have done, were it
possible, you would see that civilization and mankind would be running
things with inventions that were receiving their energy wirelessly.In
such a scenario energy would truly be free, or at least accessible to
anyone with the proper receiving equipment. Imagine that toy, or device
of yours that you could use without worry.It would have power
The market place would then be committed to perfection as the
dysfunction of an item wouldn't be because of lack of power, but of
inferior building. Everyone would be committed to building the perfect
functioning device(s) If there is a conspiracy out there this would
probably be "the " area. People are lazy, and who currently wants to
"waste " the time building something perfect? Where would the money come
from in such a venture? If this system were to happen it would
definitely give man a new direction. Up.
I'll start with Tesla talking about a motor he invented that operates
with one single connection between it and the generator.
" But there is an additional feature of interest about this motor,
namely, it is, not necessary to have even a single connection between
the motor and generator, except, perhaps, through the ground; for not
only is an insulated plate capable of giving off energy into space, but
it is likewise capable of deriving it from an (("alternating
electrostatic field")), though in the latter case the available energy
is much smaller.In this instance one of the motor terminals is connected
to the insulated plate or body located within the alternating
electrostatic field, and the other terminal preferably to ground."

And there it is. Note the difference in potential or charge by
connecting one to ground, the other to the plate immersed in the" field"
So how can you get the maximum amount of energy from an alternating
electrostatic field? How about using mass-size, and segmentation, or
many parts.Take the recieved energy and focus it to a smaller area, to
increase the power. This was what Tesla was achieved in. Moving energy
though space= time.
