Re: Subtle Energy Detection & Manipulation
Mon, 06 Jul 1998 08:27:45 +1000

Hi Jerry,

Interesting post. There is a chap over here who claims to have this
ability, acquired after a serious road accident, and has a system for
running cars on the ZPE released from magnetically structured water. This
one looks like the real thing. A ten year history, with dozens of critical
observers, including two I know personally.

He recently went silent, but there is a 1997 disclosure with fairly
detailed diagrams and procedure I can snail to you, if you may be
interested in putting it online for discussion. It's not copyright.

Peter Nielsen

>he could see TINY MAGNETS moving out into space from the north
>and south pole, as far as I can tell, the phenomenon I am
>about to relate was not known by science at the time Leedskalnin
>discovered it using this magnification technique...he says that
>normally, magnets beyond a certain size have like poles which REPEL,
>when you get down to one size or below it, suddently like poles
>ATTRACT....totally amazing...and this was FORMALLY found as far as I can
>tell in the 1960s with high mag microscopes.....Leedskalnin said if you
>can cause these micromagnets to move all in one direction, you can
>control GRAVITY which is how he moved the stones....the point here is he
>could see things that others could not by pressing on the side of his