Subtle Energy Detection & Manipulation

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 05 Jul 1998 00:23:08 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here are some interesting comments that might be useful to some of us;
> When trying to see auras and such [which I still can't see.....] I
> sometimes see lots of tiny "bubbles" [I think the orgone corpuscles
> idea fits well] flowing between trees and such.

With regard to these bubbles, Hilarion is supposed to be the archetype
for the 5th principle, that of science and knowlege, much like the
ancient Egyptian Thoth, also known as Hermes don't
flip on me here, I'm trying to present something that has been noted and
not yet explained beyond 'blood pressure'....a guy named Maurice Cooke
claimed to channel this Hilarion entity and came through with all kinds
of technical information...this to me gave him credibitity since NONE OF
WHAT HE CLAIMS had ever been published to my knowledge...get the books,
not the ones by Jon Fox, who claimed to channel Hilarion AFTER Maurice Jon is a nice guy but IMO the information he came through
with was NOTHING like the radical new stuff that Maurice provided.

Hilarion/Maurice says that inert gases are focal points for energy to
'pop' into our dimension from hyperspace....that you can SEE this energy
popping in by climbing onto a mountain or high hill and looking upward,
he says you will see these sparkling points of light floating down from
space (in the form of inert gases in this attenuated upper atmosphere),
now that could WELL be lower air pressure to produce some kind of
magnetophosphene effect in the eyes, however, when you compress inert
gas, one or a mix, in a copper tube, you can feel the energy coming out
the end (I haven't been able to, but many say they can)...there is a lot
of information on this...get the book called, 'Einstein doesn't live
here anymore' and you'll get a beginning of what all is going on in this
area....this is ONE case.

A second case, I mentioned magnetophosphenes in the eyes to produce such
light bursts....supposedly you can press closed eyelids and you will see
bursts of guy even made a pair of goggles he wanted to sell
that used tiny flattened metal pins, like a dot matrix printer to push
against the eyelid to produce patterns...screw that, nothing like that
goes on my eyes...but of course, it hasn't taken point here,
Edward Leedskalnin, builder of the Coral Castle in Homestead, claimed
that he could push against the corner of his eyes and was able to
increase the magnification of the eye to a degree that when looking at a
magnet, he could see TINY MAGNETS moving out into space from the north
and south pole, as far as I can tell, the phenomenon I am
about to relate was not known by science at the time Leedskalnin
discovered it using this magnification technique...he says that
normally, magnets beyond a certain size have like poles which REPEL,
when you get down to one size or below it, suddently like poles
ATTRACT....totally amazing...and this was FORMALLY found as far as I can
tell in the 1960s with high mag microscopes.....Leedskalnin said if you
can cause these micromagnets to move all in one direction, you can
control GRAVITY which is how he moved the stones....the point here is he
could see things that others could not by pressing on the side of his

Also, Besant and Leadbeater, in their marvelous book 'Occult Chemistry'
used psychic vision to see each element and describe its geometry...they
claim the things spun so fast all they could see was a blur, but they
learned to mentally 'clamp' these motions for short durations so that
they could draw and map the geometries of each is amazing
how much like Bragg Xray diffraction images that these images duplicate.
> Went to a rock shop the other day, and noticed that I could
> "feel" a definate point of energy above an agate that had the top
> portion cut into an 8 point facet. It was a rought agate on the
> bottom, and only the top portion was faceted. "Energy" seemed to
> shoot up from the top like Dan Davidson's book describes. Definately
> felt it -- was not my imagination. Each rock had a little bit
> different flow...I felt what was real similar to a jet of air on the
> palm of my hand/or fingers from the top of the facet. Funny thing
> is, a pyramid shaped rock had a very, very weak effect.

With regard to sensing energy around pointed crystals and other
geometries, that is part of what Dan Davidson is talking about in his
'Shape Power' book.
> My hands are becoming very sensitive to "energy flows". Can feel
> interactions between fingers of each hand. Also tried this with
> massaging my wife. It seems to work...areas with strong feelings of
> "energy" are fine, but where there are "energy gaps" there is muscle
> pain. We were both quite suprised!

Another researcher in this crystal field is the late Les Brown of Canada
who has a most rare video of his discoveries in this field, he shows how
the energy from quartz and other gems can be focused or expanded for
various results. Dan says he and others he has met have an ability to
sense the flow of electricity or current in a wire...he calls this
'motor sensitive'....he's been open enough to the phenomenon of psychics
having higher sense abilities to use them (several independently) to
verify if a particular geometry works and what is the nature and
intensity of its signature, i.e. what does it affect and how much. It
is this kind of thinking that I think will help us to detect aether and
other subtle energy flows UNTIL WE GET ACCURATE INSTRUMENTATION....use
those with such gifts to help DEVELOP the measuring equipment.

About these 'energy gaps' where pain exists in the body, there is a guy
in Colorado who did a demonstration of a microwave type horn that he
claims picked up on high frequencies at pain areas in the body, it would
squeal when you aimed it an area of pain...Bob Dratch is the inventors
name and he has a website and is currently selling the 'Godbox' a
radionics device that works with a computer...neat guy and extremely
intelligent. The point is there does seem to be one or more frequencies
associated with pain areas in tissue. At the time, as I recall, he
hoped insurance companies would buy it to prove or disprove whiplash
types of claims that had no way of being measured.
> When I look up a textured, white ceiling, I see another effect. I
> see "flows" of very tiny little "spots". These are different than
> the "bubbles" I described above. These flow in very fast rivers.
> doesn't matter how much I focus/ignore...they are there. Seem to
> change direction often with no good reason. My current hypothesis
> is that they are some sort of light/energy interferance patterns....
> my brain wants to make the patterns move.

I don't know about these, I keep reverting back to Leedskalnin saying
those tiny magnets can be all made to flow in one direction to influence
gravity. I don't think it IS influencing gravity per se but is instead
a diamagnetic repulsion against the earths magnetic field, which is IMO,
the current error in the Tampere experiment (excited superconductors to
produce a column of lesser wieght ABOVE the superconductor, you will
note the effect DOES NOT HAPPEN UNDERNEATH the superconductor, only
above indicating earth field line interference as the primary effect,
i.e. diamagnetic) as well as the flying frogs, by any other name,
magnetic levitation by repulsion.

You should get a copy of Baron Von Reichenbachs book on 'the OD force'
published I think around 1790??? Maybe later....but he claims there are
sensitives to such subtle energies and he has hundreds of descriptions
of what they saw in magnets, crystals, flames, dielectrics and many
other materials...quite fascinating book, probably Health Research sells
it still...he says a blue flame comes out one side of a magnet and a red
one out of the other side....the beauty of it, he used NUMEROUS
sensitives, who didn't know each other and never discussed their
observations, and they confirmed what the others saw, this was his way
of verifying their ability..

Isn't this interesting?? That you could setup a group of independent
psychics as they are currently doing with remote viewing...each is given
a target or item to analyse...they document it and you compile the
matches from the various reports....the one caveat, from what I
understand of it, psychic ability is not something you can turn on and
off, so there will be 'off days'....but I can see how a group of people
working under one aegis could do amazing things, possibly hiring
themselves out as a consortium for research into all kinds of areas.
There could also be training techniques to amplify, hone and fine tune
natural abilities to something well beyond what they had ever been able
to do previously. Good luck in your experiments, just do a reality
check every now and then, this kind of stuff is way to easy to fall into
and lose touch.

--             Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187