Re: Tesla Questions

John Berry ( )
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:19:54 -0700

The report I have of this device is from the "International Guild of Advanced
Sciences" a strange group into TT, radionics as well as FE and AG etc... :-)

The info (photocopies) I have on "Tesla's Materialization Machine" is from a
book that starts "I would like to describe further our instrumentation and the
ways and means in which they can be operated upon the earth plane"

The pages are not in order, there are only the pages that had the word
materialization on them.

I have a lot of scanning to do and this report is another 12 scans, I need to
know that you still want it even though it is a book tesla wrote in "another

John Berry wrote:

> mr. berry this is feberrus at i would apreciate it if you
> sent me some plans for this materialization device i have never heard of it
> and am curious