Re: Seeking Numerology

James J. Jiamachello ( (no email) )
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 17:39:09 -0400

Hi Michael

Number theory by itself is quite fascinating.
Our present advances in computing are based on
this ancient study of patterns in the universe.


The most interesting application of numerology I
saw was Dan Millman's book "The Life You Were
Born To Live" check it out.

michael olson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've become seriously interested in numerology latley. Does anyone have
> any info on why in numerology the numbers only go up to nine? There are
> seven colors of the spectrum, seven notes on a scale, why nine numbers?
> And speaking of the spectrum I heard from a science student years ago
> that there weren't really seven colors, but six. Newton picked seven out
> of a theory, and because he was an alchemist. Any truth to this? The
> seventh being indigo I believe.
> Later,
> Michael