Even More Details on Joe Champion

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Tue, 02 Jun 1998 22:57:08 -0700

FWD FROM: Dan York <danyork@iadfw.net>

"It was Joe Champion who was, I believe, imprisoned for this process."

That is not correct. Joe was NOT imprisoned for "this" process or any
other process. Joe was imprisoned initially because he attempted to rip
off his business partner, William Tlander. Tlander accused Joe of
attempting to sell nuclear secrets to Cuba. It was a bogus charge that
resulted in Joe being imprisoned (waiting for trial) for 18 months. In
the end he received probation and about 80 thousand dollars in fines
for fraud and theft. Tlander also wound up in prison about a year
later for his operation of a "ponzi" scheme where he defrauded
investors out of several million dollars.

Joe was on probation for about 5 years. He then violated the terms of
his probation - namely that he report all contracts he made and all
bank accounts that he had signature authority on. Specifically he made
a contract with a company (NAXOS) from whom he received 50,000 dollars.
He placed the money in a bank account that he wrote the check removing
the money as a down payment on a house - none of which was reported to
his probation officer.

The result just last month was that his probation was revoked and he
was sentenced to prison for 10 years. With good time and time served
prior to his plea bargain for probation he will be eligible for parole
in 3 to 5 years. In the mean time his current address is Arizona State

I have no problem with your reporting information that Joe made public
or that Roberto Monty has published. However you opening statement is
simply wrong and should be corrected. I am not reporting rumor. I know
all the facts that I have stated first hand. I worked closely with Joe
Champion and Roberto Monti over the last three years. I last talked to
Joe about 6 hours before he went to court for his probation hearing
last month and then I talked to three of the people that were in the
courtroom later that day after Joe's probation was revoked. I have not
had any direct communication with Joe since the day he was sentenced.

Dan York